My CC is groaning but I just totally scored. I have Princess of Ireland and Aine of Ireland and the most recent Scotland DOTW doll but I've long coveted the rest of the Legends of Ireland Barbies. Most of them though are just out of my budget. The Bard, the Fairy Queen and Deidre of Ulster can run ridiculous sums and even The Spellbound doll and POI can go for $35-50 and up boxed. I was just browsing at Goodwill and I found the Spellbound doll, the Princess of the Danish Court and the Princess of Imperial Russia dolls, all intact and in nice shape, ALL in a lot for $25, unboxed. None of them have shoes but that's easily dealt with.
So for what I would have paid for just the one doll, even a bit less most likely, I now have all three. I'm kind of slapping myself but I have really, really wanted that Spellbound doll for a long time and the other two are equally beautiful. I don't have too many of the pink and silver label dolls. They tend to run a bit rich for me. I bought my first POI full retail. (I have 3. I found got two more later used. Can't say no to her. She's my favorite Irish Barbie.) Anne and Scotland I only have because amazingly they turned up in a discount store for $15 a pop or I'd have missed them both.
I also have the Dwali Barbie, the Peruvian DOTW doll, the Groovy 60's doll, Wedding Barbie 67-RH, a brunette Solo In The Spotlight Barbie, a blond Enchanted Evening Barbie, the repro MF Ken, and the 1967 TNT repro with the flaming red hair. Of those I bought Aine, Scotland and the TNT new. I was given the Ken, the Groovy 60's and the Dwali. The rest I found thrift or via the flea market. I thought I was likely done with the Legend of Ireland dolls. It's not like I can afford the rest really unless I get very lucky and snag them thrift, so I'm very pleased to have this one to add to my collection. I love to play with these. Almost all the dolls in the Ireland, POTW and DOTW series are just so pretty...
This is Spellbound Lover, and yes, she has her Grail. ... doll-g8070Here's Princess of Imperial Russia. ... doll-g5861Here's Princess of the Danish Court. ... doll-56216They're all quite lovely, aren't they? I won't leave them in their original costumes. I never do. I like to rebody these, articulate them, but I do keep their bodies and their clothes for display sometimes. I have one more thing I'm looking at online. I don't think I'll get it though. It's an auction and will likely go too rich for me. But I'm hoping because it's a perfect lot for me, two dolls I've been coveting for a long, long time...
Crossed fingers, smile...