Barbie Basics Target Red AA Lara/Drew aka Model #2, $5 on clearance. Most of the Basics were cleared out of my local Target months ago except for the newest bathing suit girls. Now and again a Red Collection model would mysteriously show up for full price and find a place on their pegs only to get quickly marked down usually within a month. For the most part except for looking for the one Steffie I was after I pretty much ignored them. Finally got her only to have her be totally messed up hair-wise. But this afternoon I had to take my aunt over there and while I was checking the last of the clearance stuff I found the AA Lara/Drew for $5.
Being that sculpt is a favorite of mine and I'd never actually seen an AA version of her before I grabbed her. She's actually very pretty in person and she was not there for long because I hadn't seen her before a month ago or so. Been watching for a sale since, was hoping for clearance deal like with Steffie preferably sans the ultimate slimy hair. Hopefully when I debox her she will be normal on that score. I'm still mad about that, having to completely re-root a doll with a favorite sculpt who's hairstyle I just loved and that I looked all over for.
This be her...(Not my pic...Not her original outfit...) ... /lara_.jpgInterestingly she looks almost nothing like the promo pic. ... 029589.jpgIf I had seen her in person and realized she was that sculpt likely I'd have bought her ages ago...I'm drying her after relaxing her hair just a bit as I type. I love her curls I want them a bit less poofy. They're hiding her earrings and they are rather nice hoops. I'm going to put her on a fashionista body tomorrow and get her a new shirt. She's near perfect otherwise. Gorgeous doll. Looks more like a darker Latina Drew than an AA one though I'm guessing she's supposed to be AA? She's just a bit darker than the other Drews in the Basics collections but not by much. She could be either Latin or AA or bi-racial really...
There's something about the features though that makes me think of Jo Lo a bit. I'm wanting to call her Drucilla, for some reason, with the name said Spanish style. What do you think? I've already got a Drew, a Lara, a Laura and formerly blond Drew sculpt head that badly needs some hair that I haven't named at all yet.
This Milan Barbie is the only really dark Drew I can find online so far. I guess a darker AA skin tone is a rarity with her. She's pretty though and I would not mind having her if she doesn't cost a hundred bucks to acquire. Have to look her up more and see. She'd make a nice addition to my Lara/Drew collection. would this one. Been thinking hard about her because she's affordable and adorable...She's called Raquelle but she's Drew/Lara sculpt actually. I'm not sure about the side glance eyes though. I don't usually do dolls with eyes like that but she's so cute otherwise I kind of want her... ... ie+Diaries