I feel like I'm moving backwards while moving forwards, lately o_O
I've randomly fell back into the old things I used to be into - been reading more fiction books and reading less manga, suddenly, dreamed about that old cartoon - Gargoyles (Disney) -, jumped back into Avatar (er, the airbender one, not the blue peoples one. I wanna cosplay Toph D: LOL), finally picked up the dolls for the first time in.... a year and a half? Back to poking around the dollie forums (sorry! x_X;; though I tend to be more of an onlooker than a commenter, these days o_O that is, till I get into ramble mode, like right now) , my parents bought a horse and currently looking to get a second (one for dad another for mom so they could ride together) so it will be a physical, full 5 senses nostalgia to have a horse around in the family again. Especially when I go back to visit them (which I do, often). The old barn that housed our last horse, Jim - now in the heavenly pastures after the ripe old age of 39 -, is all fixed up and ready. They both had horses growing up, but mom ended up being forced to give hers up... but luckily able to save dad's (Jim), after marriage. They met on horseback. I still remember doing everything in the barn, vividly - cleaning the feet, wanting to kill the hay cause it wouldn't go in the hay net without a fight =_=, climbing the hay bails to the rafters, the smell of the grain and pellets, the fly sprays, "painting" Jim's hooves, mucking the stall and corral, the shavings, laying down mud in the summer, brushing a new horse (lol shedding) and the winter horse-snot stains all over the glass back door because he thought the -entire- glass door made an awesome tissue, from top to bottom. I digress o_O
but then suddenly jumping ahead in everything.
I may become a senior QA analyst, the "company" (which it's not - it's more like a collective, at the moment. Non-Borg style) my friends and I are trying to put together is finally getting some feet under it with a website and showing up to promo/advertise our selves at some cons this year, and luckily also getting ahead - how I visually carry myself is changing, too. I told my mom, not too long ago "I feel like just going to the mall and being a girl for a day". Anyone who knows me, knows I'm just not that type

While that may sound negative, I mean in that I'm not just throwing on something "Acceptable" and flat/safe/no spark or personality. I'm expanding my horizons on how to present myself other than the plain jane in only black pants (seriously, I have/had about 10 pairs of the same black pair of pants >_>). lol.
I may gain a roomie of an old friend that I've known since she was a little girl, while I was in high school o_O So I guess thats kinda a weird mix of past and future.
It's not much, just random things I either stopped thinking about ages ago or haven't had the gusto to do just randomly popped up again.
And lots of forward-looking changes, too.
Only one change I regret is yet another best friend moving off to California.... later to be moving off to China, and then permanently back home to Indonesia to take over his father's business.

Now who am I supposed to drag around the city?

The "collective" we're trying to get on it's feet is slow going and with three cons to go to, my entire year up to the coming August has been all about saving for hotels and plan tickets and food money and play money and emergency money and printing money (we're going to be in the artist alley)...
I honestly don't expect too much from it, being all writing and comic stuff. But I can't tell if I'm a realist or a pessimist (because I tend to be both). But that's ok - if some people like what I write, then that's absolutely fine by me (if I ever finish any of them...).
Currently, I'm (slowly) drawing out full frames for a semi-animated (single still images given a little bit of motion via Flash) for a sort of promo for the website and "company" (still lacking better words for it), and working out what is turning into a huge story with a friend of mine. AKA, text role playing it out, save the text files, then covert the script-format RP into a written story form. So far it's been going pretty well, actually. o_O And it's huge... I saved the raw RP "script" into google docs.... but they're so long that it was take Google docs over a minute to load, so I ended up having to split it into a second doc...... and then a third.... then a fourth....
I really thought Light Casting Shadows was going to be my premiere/first, but it looks like 'Keys' will be... we already put our heads and imagination into it... now it's just a matter of conversion... and then splitting what we make of it >:D
.... which wouldn't be much. lol. Oh well.
Side note; rambling and me has never, evereverevereverever changed. o_O
Akihito [DZ Yuu], Red [ED Red], Sweetpea [DF Popo], Apollo [BBB Apollo], Reli [B&G Sharon], (phoenix) Efriete [B&G Afra], (human) Efriete [Migidoll Miho], Seth [Migidoll Ryu], Horus [Obitsu 50cm].
Do want: DR Xiao chi [as Xieu]; DOD Luke v2 [as Daven]; DIM Rain [as Rain]