by OutBriefCandle » Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:06 pm
Peapod has a limited run of 1/4 ballet feet for preorder in their news thread. I want 1/4 ballet feet, I don't have any big girls. Otoh, I also don't have any WS or NS girls, mine are lilac and chocolate. Though if I order snow skin I could possibly blush them to match...have to finds shoes myself, though.
[s]Otooh, they need a minimum order of 15 by the 5th, that's tomorrow, and they're currently at 12.[/s]
Maybe I'll make the decision later/tomorrow after seeing if anyone else orders.
ETA: Wow, I'm stupid, ordering period runs until May 5th. *facepalm*
Ryo - DIM Real (NS)
Ariel - BBB Sprite (Blue)
Peaseblossom - BBB Ariel (Lilac)
Bast - Fairyland MNF Woosoo Vamp (WS)
Bernadette - Hujoo Berry (Apricot)
Mustardseed - Realpuki Tyni (NS)
Dove - BBB Pixie (Chocolate)
Loki - Hujoo Jake
Monster High Toralei
Monster High Clawd Wolf
Perneth - RS Pixiu (Sky Blue)