My Dad just bought me this:'s my first "athletic figure" Tonner. Curvy girl probably built a bit like the old Deana Denton? I don't have a clue as to what she's going to wear. Likely I'll have to make clothes for this one. She's getting new eyebrows. I think the ones she has are a bit overkill for me but otherwise I absolutely love her. It says the "Breathless" sculpt, but I think the sculpt is the same sculpt as my Oz dolls. She looks like Ms Gulch and the Wicked Witch to me. But she's got a much lighter skin tone, about the same as Arwen's I think.
I'm not much of a Marvel fan so that costume does nothing much for me but I think she herself is pretty badass. I saw her just the other day on the Tonner site, thought then that I'd love to have that doll, but she's running $160 plus shipping and I just figured it was not going to happen. Then this morning I was browsing and I happened to run across her for a mere $99. Dad said "Go for it." and so I did.

Probably I'll sell the costume off. Someone is bound to want it. It's pretty awesome actually for what it is, it's just not really something I'd want.