Lexagon wrote:Nope we have to have leggings underneath everything, no tights still too "provocative"
I went through a period in time where all I wore was long sleeve/hoodies and pants but I started to get sick because of it so I had to stop. I'm still partial to wearing to pants all the time but sometimes I just can't in this weather
Oh see we don't have many people in our school but our school was built to be the "rich kid school" we don't have school grounds, we've got a campus

so rad.
Like I said, I just think they're be a little unreasonable about the clothes we can wear. We can't even wear those cute thick headbands because we could "conseal weapons under them".. because I'm going to stick a gun on top of my head
Some schools are banning hoodies now, you know the ones that are just pullovers with the pockets in front? Yeah.
They're distractions -.-
I don't know maybe I'm too free spirited.

Tights are too provocative?

That's just silly. Well I guess if you wear the black sheer ones or the fishnet ones, I can see that. But the white ones, or the patterned ones, those aren't provocative (not to me at least). I can't imagine how hot it would be having to wear leggings under your skirts. It sounds like they want you to pass out from a heat stroke.
Ooo campus that is pretty rad! My school was just small. It was nice though, we didn't have the problems most larger schools have. We had a reallllyyyyy long lunch line though. XD
I think they are above "unreasonable" atm. I mean not being able to wear a headband? That's just crazy, especially since their reasoning is "it could conceal a weapon". I'm pretty sure any weapon you hide there would be noticeable. I remember when my school band those cute kerchief head things, because they were "gang related", we had no gangs. <_<
Banning hoodies because they are a distraction? How on earth are they more distracting then anything else?
There's nothing wrong with being free-spirited, but in this case I'd say that your school is going over-board.
Kratos Aurion (AOD Chen), Anna Aurion (Modified RS Mei), , Lloyd Aurion(Modified Felix Brownie, and AOD Le Le) Usagi Chiba (Modified RS Ju), Mamoru Chiba (RS Mai)