by britbrat18 » Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:42 pm
DollyKim wrote:Definitely means he wants your attention. Do something together.
It could be that, he just came back from getting his face-up done. What happened was he was sitting on my desk while I made him a shirt. I dropped the pattern, and went down to pick it up, and bam! I moved him to sit with me in my chair after that(we are watching a movie too). He doesn't usually do things like that. It could also be that he's mad that I took him off the chair he was sitting in with his family. I'm going to start playing Tales of Symphonia again, he can sit with me(it's his game), maybe that will settle him down. XD
Lexagon: Oww is right. XD I think your little nice wanted your attention too.

Kratos Aurion (AOD Chen), Anna Aurion (Modified RS Mei), , Lloyd Aurion(Modified Felix Brownie, and AOD Le Le) Usagi Chiba (Modified RS Ju), Mamoru Chiba (RS Mai)