I wasn't sure were to put and this seemed like the best place. So I have a cold and my nose isn't stuffed but really runny (Is that a real word?) so I have to blow it a lot. Last night I was trying to sleep and I was crying on and off because It was so hard to sleep (Note: I haven't been able to sleep lately so I just lay in bed without being able to close my eyes). I dosed of a bit and I was in a half dream state and I was dreaming about someone stealing peoples dolls (Luts, Iplehouse, Soom, Bobobie, Resinsoul dolls) and recasting them and when I woke up I couldn't stop crying because they had been taking dolls from people not companies and they took my doll (I don't have a bjd though.). Nothing was making any sense but I just couldn't stop crying and my nose was hurting. It was like three am and my nana came out and comforted me till I fell asleep. I didn't tell her I was crying about dolls.
Has anyone had weird dreams about bjds or dolls in general?