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Dream about bjds
Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:38 pm
by endlessnameless
I wasn't sure were to put and this seemed like the best place. So I have a cold and my nose isn't stuffed but really runny (Is that a real word?) so I have to blow it a lot. Last night I was trying to sleep and I was crying on and off because It was so hard to sleep (Note: I haven't been able to sleep lately so I just lay in bed without being able to close my eyes). I dosed of a bit and I was in a half dream state and I was dreaming about someone stealing peoples dolls (Luts, Iplehouse, Soom, Bobobie, Resinsoul dolls) and recasting them and when I woke up I couldn't stop crying because they had been taking dolls from people not companies and they took my doll (I don't have a bjd though.). Nothing was making any sense but I just couldn't stop crying and my nose was hurting. It was like three am and my nana came out and comforted me till I fell asleep. I didn't tell her I was crying about dolls.
Has anyone had weird dreams about bjds or dolls in general?
Re: Dream about bjds
Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:45 pm
by Iwa_Hoshi
Mainly I remember two:
- One about my own doll(Obi-Chun) sitting at the edge of my computer table and singing a song (my dreams are mainly soundless and in predawn lighting format, go figure *shrugs*). She' just seems to be enjoying herself and that's about it.
- My fave one is involves Iplehouse Dexter(minor grail doll who I eventually own) who was planning to break out of some sort of holding facility(their casting factory?) with another doll (possibly Avrid and Luo). There were some elaborate plans and serious movie/game style sneaking and parkouring. Halfway out of the building and enroute to meeting their pickup doll(not surprise if she's an Iplehouse Luna) the alarm systems sounded off and stuff went Metal Gear.
If anyway I had been reading a Jack West Jr(no Jack didn't get his name here) book that week and it seems like an excat scene from said book. And yes I associate Iplehouse Dexter LE cowboy look with Big Boss/Solid Snake of Metal Gear series while his basic is Raiden looking.
Re: Dream about bjds
Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:05 pm
by Trethowan
I've dreamed silly stories about Ivan and Micah before. My husband says I laugh in my sleep a lot so who knows what those silly boys are up to in my subconscious!
Re: Dream about bjds
Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:24 am
by Kirahfaye
I'm pretty sure I've had a dream or two about my dolls, but I don't generally remember my dreams in anything other than vague impressions.
Re: Dream about bjds
Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:06 am
by DollyKim
If you continue to have problems sleeping see a doctor about it. Try the usual regular sleeping time, not having caffeine and other stimulants, if you can't sleep in your bed try the couch. Maybe try an over the counter sleep aid?
I've dreamed about my dolls. You can take control of nightmares and anxiety dreams by telling the dream you've had enough, telling it to stop, or changing the dream channel to something else.
Re: Dream about bjds
Thu Jul 23, 2015 4:01 pm
by ShortNCuddlyAm
Dolls have featured in my dreams before, although I can't remember the dreams now. They almost certainly would have been weird dreams as most of my dreams are, apparently. But not a bad weird.
I agree with what DollyKim says about taking control of your dreams. I'm in my mid 40s and there's been maybe 5 or 6 nights where I'd say part of what I was dreaming was bad or nightmarish.
When I was approaching my teens, my mum warned me that as I was going through puberty I would probably start to also experience bad dreams where I couldn't run if I was being chased, or finding myself in an unfamiliar dark house where no lights worked. I think because I was now aware these type of dreams might happen I was able to realise I was dreaming when these sort of dreams started happening. Can't run? No problems - this is a dream, so I can fly. And conveniently the giant ladybirds (well over 200cm tall) that were chasing me couldn't fly. None of the lights work in this vaguely familiar house (I have never dreamt of a house that is completely unfamiliar)? That's why I've got a torch in my pocket. Over the years the nudging has become less of a conscious effort, so I can mostly just lie back and enjoy the adventure. The downside is that it also means I have a tendency to oversleep, especially at weekends as it means I can probably squeeze another dream in. I pay for it by feeling groggy (any more than 7 hours or less than 5 and I don't function too well)
Re: Dream about bjds
Thu Jul 23, 2015 4:31 pm
by endlessnameless
I believe last night I had another dream about dolls but can't remember it now. I don't dream very much anymore (lack of sleep help that part).
I can function pretty well on little sleep which is a good thing?
I have sleep aids but they make me feel tired when I wake up and I don't want to depend on them.
I'm sure it will go away soon
Also thanks for sharing your thoughts and dreams and stuff
Re: Dream about bjds
Fri Jul 24, 2015 4:41 am
by Trethowan
Blake Grey wrote:I believe last night I had another dream about dolls but can't remember it now. I don't dream very much anymore (lack of sleep help that part).
I can function pretty well on little sleep which is a good thing?
I have sleep aids but they make me feel tired when I wake up and I don't want to depend on them.
I'm sure it will go away soon
Also thanks for sharing your thoughts and dreams and stuff
I went through a several month period where I just couldn't sleep. Melatonin helped a little, though sometimes I wonder if it wasn't just me wanting it to work. What helped most was actually a breathing technique. In for eight, hold for four, out for eight. I don't know if it was the counting or the breathing or the lack of focus on anything else BUT breathing but it helped me quite a lot. When I found my mind circling for things to think about I'd just start the breathing thing again. Maybe that's helpful.
All that said, I dreamed about an empty, haunted cruise ship and it was rather unsettling. I want to dream about dolls instead! hehehe... especially buying new ones. Now THAT'S a dream, eh???
Re: Dream about bjds
Sat Jul 25, 2015 10:03 am
by Qrinta
I've dreamed about my dolls before but it was pretty much just me in a house with the dolls running around and enjoying all the random antiques they would get into and trying to take photos of them. Probably stemmed from reading Kiki-Chan's comic. XD Thankfully none of my dolls are as violent as Omi.