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Craft Resource

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:11 pm
by Trethowan
Hey all you awesome crafters! I came across this via Facebook share and thought I'd share it with you guys. There seem to be a lot of random free downloads (yay, free!!!) but there are also for-sale patterns. They also have classes you can download. Some of them seemed a little pricey. There are probably loads of free tutorials on YouTube but hey, you never know. There might be something really unique here.

I think that's a pretty cool deal and a lot of these seem to be well priced. Some are expensive, but then I pay $15 bucks for McCalls so at least here I'm supporting individual crafters. That's always nice.

Looks like they have stuff for sewing, knitting, crochet, etc. Something for everyone! <3

Re: Craft Resource

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:50 am
by ShortNCuddlyAm
I keep forgetting about Craftsy!

Some newsletters also give time-limited codes for discounted courses on Craftsy - I think some of the Interweave ones and Artists Network. If I come across any I'm not planning on using I'll post 'em!

Re: Craft Resource

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:46 am
by ShortNCuddlyAm
Just had a newsletter from them - it claims to be up to 50% off colour theory classes, but it looks more to be like up to 50% off selected painting courses that may or may not have anything to do with colour theory. Link if any one is interested