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OT: Need some financial advice

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OT: Need some financial advice

Postby KitKat » Wed Sep 15, 2010 2:44 pm

Some of you may know that I just had emergency surgery. Well today started the bills. Let me clarify, I am a student in my senior year of college. I do not and cannot work for I am student teaching. I don't have health insurance.

I think I was able to get financial help with the hospital itself. But, to cover costs, anything to do with a specialist or outside doctor is considered private care. So my first bill came from the OBGYN that did my operation. Almost $3,000. I offered them $1000, and got them to reduce the bill a little. I am now on a payment plan with them.

I know more bills are coming...I don't have the money and I can't screw up my credit. Does anyone know how to reduce or refuse the bill? Maybe, a poor peoples fund?? I don't know...I'm frustrated and scared. Anything would help right now.
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Re: OT: Need some financial advice

Postby Itsaiya » Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:21 pm

Uuuugghhhh, I wish I could help :( :cry: *Hugs* Is there any sort of government aid you can apply for? Or a service to ask for financial advice?
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Re: OT: Need some financial advice

Postby zirconmermaid » Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:16 pm

Unless you are planning to buy a house, or a car, or take out a loan, you probably don't need to worry as much about your credit report as you think. In addition, since it is a medical bill it isn't as much of an issue. Once the bills are taken care of they will drop off it anyway. Explain to the creditors that you don't have insurance that covers the costs and that this will be out of pocket. Setting up a payment plan is really good. For ongoing care, look into your local medical assistance. AND - medical expenses are probably going to be deductible off your taxes for you. File early! File an estimated return.

Mostly just worry about getting healthy - that is much more important!
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Re: OT: Need some financial advice

Postby Eseme » Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:46 pm

You may qualify for Medicaid, if you are not a dependent and do not have much income. Applying varies state to state.

Google Medicaid and your state's name. Then call and ask questions.

Also, ask your primary care physician, or any of the other doctors you are seeing, if they know of programs in your area.

Good luck, and get well.
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Re: OT: Need some financial advice

Postby victoriavictrix » Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:08 am

The bad news is that these days the second the bill goes past 30 days, the doctor or hospital will send it to a collection agency.

I know this, because it happened to me.

The good news is that collection agencies, once they find out you have no money, are more likely to bargain with you, because they buy the debt for about 10 cents on the dollar.

I know this, because it happened to me. The hospital bill that was $4000 magically became $1700 once it got to the collection agency.

Also, medical bills are not allowed to go on your credit report.
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Re: OT: Need some financial advice

Postby Mary Kathryn » Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:40 am

What VV said and also Eseme. Check into medicaid. And don't let this worry you sick. (((hugs)))
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Re: OT: Need some financial advice

Postby KitKat » Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:17 pm

Thanks guys. This has really helped me to calm down. I'm looking into several things that could help. Your well wishes are so appreciated!!
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Re: OT: Need some financial advice

Postby victoriavictrix » Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:56 pm

Remember that collection agencies are under a lot of legal oversight now. They are not allowed to call you more than once a day, not allowed to call before 8 or after 5, not allowed to call you where you work, not allowed to pester your relatives or your workplace. If they violate ANY of these things (and a lot more besides) YOU can sue THEM and many people have and won a lot of money.


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Sueing collection agencies

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Re: OT: Need some financial advice

Postby Geektopian » Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:01 am

Oh wait, you're supposed to pay those things? :lol: There's not much I can add to what's been said except to say that I've just been paying mine off slowly, as finances allow. Collection notices and vague threats from the hospital billing office gets cheerfully ignored and they eventually get their money. Just not in the 15 to 30 days they demand it. ;)
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