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Freaking out again!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:49 pm
by Alopecia No Hime
HARUKA'S HOME! But I can't open her box until Christmas! :cry: I'm excited though I ran out to the car when my parents were getting groceries out of the new car and freaked out.

I know I won't be able to open my girl until Christmas. She's under the tree right now. IT'S KILLING ME! The suspense!

Re: Freaking out again!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 6:19 pm
by DollyKim
Occupy your time by making something for her. I'll bet she could use a blanket to snuggle in.

Re: Freaking out again!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:26 pm
by Greyhaunt
Ah, nothing beats the anticipation of having a new doll!

I know, I'm waiting for one to be shipped to me....:( hahahahaha

Re: Freaking out again!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:28 pm
by GooglyDooglyV.2
Couldn't you just....I don't know...maybe, "accidentally" cut open the box? 8-)

Re: Freaking out again!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:54 pm
by Alopecia No Hime
Turns out I don't have to satisfy myself with looking at her clothes anymore! My parents gave Haruka to me early! We're all super glad too, since getting her head on was such a pain! (Then the struggle with neck parts XD Her head flopped to the side a lot.)

Here's one of her pictures.

She looks a lot like me. I don't think I will give her a face-up. She's perfect already. I love her so much.

You guys are right. Nothing beats the anticipation of waiting for a new doll. The first especially.

(And I was so tempted to...'accidentally' cut open the box. But I just poked it for awhile. XD)

Re: Freaking out again!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:14 pm
by delbelcoure
She is lovely :) Some dolls are charming without faceups. Both my daughters have dolls without faceups. They say it allows the dolls to have a better range of emotions, since there isn't one already painted on.

Re: Freaking out again!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:27 pm
by Alopecia No Hime
Thank you ^^

I agree with them. She has a lot of different emotions playing out without her face-up.

I've taken pictures of her sitting on our X-mas tree and she looked so curious.

She's perfect.

Now if only I had some velcro so I can sew for her....Ah well that'll be Friday's project then.

Re: Freaking out again!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 4:15 am
by Talie
I have to agree with you about emotions with no face up. Sable showed me lots of emotions when she had no face painted, and the emotions even show up in photos.

Your girl is very sweet, almost all of them seem to have a nervous face and posture when they first arrive, like they are checking to see what home they have come to. (of course you do get a few dolls that could not care less where they have turned up cause they now they will rule the house lol)

Added - I had a nose at the rest of your photos :D did you manage to get her neck sorted out? From the photos i see, it needs to be sitting alittle more snuggly in the well on the bottom of her head.. this is the best picture i can find. Love the photo of her sitting on her arm, she looks very sweet and coy.

Re: Freaking out again!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:14 am
by richila
Congratulations! I know what you mean about expression without a face up. One of my nano Harukas is done up like a nekomimi. The other has only watercolor pencil on her mouth, lining her eyes and eyebrows. (I love eyebrows on dolls.) Their little face are just lovely.

Re: Freaking out again!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:23 am
by Alopecia No Hime
Eventually we did she's still looking down like she's thinking, but she did keep her head up for a few pictures. I didn't realize her neck part was supposed to be that far in. We were a little afraid of her breaking if we forced it too hard. (Plus she lost her her head literally when we changed the neck pieces. Not to mention tiny eyes are hard to get in.)

And thanks. She's a very coy girl. She poses wonderfully though now that I've had her a full night. (And half of it was of taking pictures. XD She's so photogenic.0

@Richila - Thanks, I considered giving her eyebrows or eye lashes but I think she looks sweet the way she is. She looks like she's smiling.

EDIT: I took a look at the picture and we did get her original neck piece on and now she's holding her head up....Just not for a long time. But she's standing up straight and she's holding her head high. (XD She's stubburn just like me.)