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Crimson/Dark Red 8-9 Wig?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:51 am
by SetsunaKou
Hi Min'na-sama!!

I need a darkish red/crimson colored wig, with bangs, long with waves/curls (not tight curls if possible) in 1/3 size (8-9).

I just bought one on eBay, which looked PERFECT in the photos, but when I received it yesterday, it was really dark---a wine burgundy color. Very beautiful and I love the look and feel and color, but it's not the right color of my Hino doll. ^^;; (Her hair is a darkish red/crimson, but not wine/burgundy).

I've checked Parabox and they don't have any 'dark red' (not wine colored) wigs, nor the right style anyway. Does anyone know of a company that sells 8-9 wigs in a darkish red like this color:


Not wine, not maroon. Just a crimson red. That's even the style I'm needing (bun up) but I know there really aren't any wigs for dolls in buns and curls, so I was going to restyle it from a long wavy/curls wig.

This is the wig I purchased and looked the PERFECT color in pictures, but when I received it yesterday, it's SUPER dark and more purply/wine colored than this red shown (so disappointed):


So, I'm reselling it and looking for a correct colored wig in a similar style/length to work with.

Any help would be SUPER appreciative!! I don't know which companies sell what colors/etc.

God bless!!


Re: Crimson/Dark Red 8-9 Wig?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:18 pm
by Dark Angel

Re: Crimson/Dark Red 8-9 Wig?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:59 pm
by SetsunaKou
Ooh! Thanks for your help, Dark Angel-san!!!!

That first one looks good---and from JS, too!!!
Does anyone know if the color in the pictures is accurate? Or is it darker in person?

That redder one from MoC looks nice as well if the JS one is darker than the photos depict. It's not as wavy, but if it's the right color, I could always curl it myself. ^^