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Junky Spot down for upgrades?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:45 pm
by angiwyn
I was browsing through the JS forum while I was waiting for my 50cm to be delivered, when she got here, I kind of forgot about the site and left the page open. Now when I try to go to any part of the forum other than the main page I get a "site down for upgrades" and a bit asking for my user name and password. I don't remember Emory mentioning a site update, anyone know what's going on?

edit: 3:57pm

Okay, now it seems to be loading again, very weird. I was able to load and post my box-opening pictures, so all seems to be well and good now.

Re: Junky Spot down for upgrades?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:49 pm
by Geektopian
There was problem with recurring database errors over the weekend and the ISP was having to do some work at the server level. I'm not sure if the outage you experienced was related to that or not.