Okay so I've been pining for the Obitsu 11 to come out but after looking at the Bobobie section I took a look at the 1/6 and am in utter love with the Bobobie Isabella girl. She's the same price as an AG girl plus shipping which I own five of still from when I was a bit younger. More expensive then Obitsu but I really like her. Seeing owner pics they do her more justice then of the ones on the Jspot. I have a few questions however.
If anyone reading this owns a BBB Isabella what are the best and also annoying aspects of having a doll like her?
Her joints remind me of the Obitsu joints which I'm used to thankfully...However I heard BBB dolls had a stringing problem sometimes. Do the 1/6 have it worse then the SD's?
Also: If you order the white skin version and ordered nothing else but her will she come with eyes already?
I'm considering saving up for it after vacation this year (Easier to tell my mother after I've spent all my vacation money and looking for chores) So I could realisticly even see if I could purchese her for Christmas and ask for wigs and such for her.
Also do liv or Moxie teenz wigs fit?