Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:17 pm
HAHA am super duper excited cause.....we got paid earlier than expected so i didnt have to put it off till about to order my 48cm obitsu, large bust replacement, and her 5 option hands!! i decided if i wanted a 50cm i would just buy the leg replacements >.< lol. I am out of money for dolls till next month! then i will buy her eyes and experimental abdomen (DDS) from volks. Her hair and wig making materials wont be bought till the month after that or if i just get lucky and find an extra 50 bucks next month, eh, no biggie i will love her bald just the same! she is my first big girl and will be my last doll buy till after school which will be 2 years its my first degree. (thats where the bulk of my money is going now in savings). Been trying to save from april but its finally time! When she gets here i will post her introduction in dollieh chatta and share how the DDS abdoment works out in september