Sex: Female
Type: Normal Skin MiniFee Soo
Age: 15
Birthday: June 3rd, 2006
Make up: By Sat
Modifications: Belly piercings, ear piercings
Eye color: Blue
Wig color: Naturally Brown, but prefers blonde
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Kind and happy. Energetic, smart, and outgoing
Likes: Gymnastics, flowers, the color pink, jewelry, being girly
Dislikes: Gross things, and mean people.
Sex: Female
Type: Mirodoll Iris tan skin
Age: 26
Birthday: August 8th, 2017
Make up: Mirodoll
Modifications: ---
Eye color: Blue
Wig color: Ginger and blonde
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Shy, soft spoken, and very hard on herself.
Likes: Music, flowers, parrots, tea. Swimming is one of her favorite hobbies, and so is reading. She loves the warm weather and sunshine.
Dislikes: Dirt, blood (makes her sick), Manly clothes and drugs/alcohol
Sex: female
Type: Dollmore Ray Head on a Domuya Flexi Perennial Body
Age: 20
Birthday: October 8, 2009
Make up: Unknown
Modifications: Pentagram on forehead
Eye color: Blackish
Wig color: Dark brown
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Kind and caring to a fault.
Cami (Camille):
Sex: Female
Type: Dollmore Trinity Klaire (Red Priestess)
Age: ?
Birthday: June 2, 2016
Make up: Dollmore
Modifications: ---
Eye color: Pink
Wig color: Varies
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Sex: Male
Type: Ringdoll Tan Norman Light 2.0 on RGM03 Body
Age: 27
Birthday: September 26, 2016
Make up: Sour_Dotz
Modifications: --
Eye color: Green
Wig color: Brown or black
Sexuality: Homosexual
Personality: Acts like a tough guy but is super sweet and gentle deep down
Likes: Animals, Rock music, leather, his cat Chili
Sex: Male
Type: Resinsoul Yang
Age: 30's
Make up: BBB default
Modifications: --
Eye color:
Wig color:
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Smart, charming, kind and caring
Likes: Animals, kindness, nature
Dislikes: Abuse (mostly towards animals), eating meat
Back-story: He is a veterinarian that can speak to animals.
Aleksey "Levi":
Sex: Male
Type: Mystic Kids Lawrence (Fleshtone Pink)
Age: 25
Make up: Mystic Kids Default
Modifications: Face piercings
Eye color: Red
Wig color: Gray and black
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Style: Punk/Grunge
Personality: Sarcastic, sometimes over-dramatic, confident, pretends to be the tough guy, but deep down he’s really caring.
Likes: The color red, video games, cartoons, and his brother
Dislikes: Being called a wimp and when Dimitri is picked on.
Back-story: Levi was in a terrible accident and was close to death. His brother Dimitri added robotic parts to him that kept Levi alive.
Sex: Male
Type: Ringdoll Lucifer on Mirodoll 61cm body
Age: 25
Make up: Ringdoll
Modifications: --
Eye color: Brown
Wig color: White
Sexuality: Homosexual
Style: Scene/nerdy
Personality: Sweet, shy unless with his brother or people he's really close to. Also very smart and caring. He’s easily picked on because he won't defend himself.
Likes: Technology, his brother, the color blue, sweets, cross-dressing
Dislikes: Vegetables, and being away from Levi
Back-story: Dimitri is Levi’s twin brother. He is a straight “A” student, and loves technology. Lucky for Levi, Dimitri was able to save Levi’s life when he was in a terrible accident by adding robotic parts.
Sex: Female
Type: Elfdoll Lydia
Age: 21
Birthday: April 21, 2011
Make up: Sour_Dotz (DoA)
Modifications: --
Eye color:
Wig color: Blonde with pink
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Arrogant, flirty, snobbish.
Likes: Being the center of attention, the finer things in life, jewels, diamonds, wine. Likes the color black. Antique or Lolita dresses, basically anything big and puffy or lacy.
Dislikes: Dirt, anything messy, including children and animals.
Back-story: Jezzy comes from a wealthy family. She’s stays out late every night and gets into tons of trouble. One day her parents decided that Jezzebelle should try living like a ‘normal person’ and see if that helps to get her back on track so they kick her out. Not having any clue how to act, she quickly hooks up with several men that dote on her.
Sex: Male
Type: Smart Doll Eiji 2.0
Age: 18
Birthday: March 15, 2018
Make up: Smart Doll defaut
Modifications: --
Eye color: Blueish gray
Wig color: Dark Brown
Sex: Male
Type: Aimerai Nick Chopper
Make up:
Eye color:
Wig color: Gray