Hi there,
I'm more active over at JS, but I figured I should post here too since there's a lot of my dollieh friends floating around here as well!
Anyway, I've been working on a pair of wings for about two weeks now and I'm slowly getting to the final stages. I sculpted them first out of super sculpy and refined them with apoxie sculpt before attacking them with sandpaper. I've finally received the right strength magnets in the mail so the holes are now the right size for them. They are intended for YOSD sized dolls and I've been working with my girlfriend's LTF as a model since she has magnets built into her back.
This is just the wings, I'm really proud of them. I've talked to Gerald (Zirc's wonderful husband) and he's willing to teach me how to cast them in resin!
And now for some side views:
I also have some older pictures of them on other sized dolls like here:
Here you can see them compared between and MSD and a YOSD. They work great on both.
And for giggles, one picture of them on a 70cm's head:
Val you are such a goth, stop denying it!