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Ms. Otter doll is coming along! ...Sort of.

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Ms. Otter doll is coming along! ...Sort of.

Postby 1/6andtinylover » Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:19 pm

Just what the title says. After shoving "her" in box for few weeks, I finally got her out and worked on "her". (In my mind, it's already a girl).

I worked on her torso so the two part torso on a "tiny" pet doll would work. As soon as it's dry, I will add a ball joint and work on the upper chest piece socket.

Two pens were, um, disassembled to be used as a base for the limbs. Saran wrap was going to be used, but the idea was ditched after realizing that the clay didn't seem to stick on it very well. Hopefully the plastic is smooth enough that when it's dry, it'll just pop off. Another pen was used as a base for a double joint experiment. (If they don't pop off...the pen is screwed.)

Finally, the head got even MORE modifications and the clay is now a lot thicker. All I can say is that my dremel will be having fun trying to cut that thing open....

Coming on next episode of The Over-Ambitious Newbie: PICSPAM! (If I'm not too lazy).
The ever growing wishlist: Hujoo Dana, Obitsu 40, and an army of other Obitsus with anime style heads.
The more expensive end of my wishtlist: Limhwa Half Elf and Elfdoll Soah, my dream dolls.
Dolls @ home: Elodie Tarte (YuHao Tart)
the walls have dolliehs
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Re: Ms. Otter doll is coming along! ...Sort of.

Postby famedglory » Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:13 am

I would recommend using styrofoam as the cores. It's cheap and you can shape it to whatever size/shape you need. The clay(at least paperclays) stick to it well and when the clay is dry the styrofoam can be poked at until it comes out without really risking cracking the dried clay.
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