Connie - Now with Elastic!
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:45 pm
Well, Connie is really coming along now. Gerald has cast most of the parts in resin at least once, with several having multiple revisions. Today he finally drilled her for the first time! SQUEEE! So here is a look at her torso and head. Did I mention she also has eyes now? Those are still sculpey, but will be cast in clear resin. He is trying to get the resin prototype done for the Comic Book Show, so he can get any final revision requests from Chris.
The random green and rust marks are filling tiny bubble holes. The waist section is actually not the final revision but he wanted to test the stringing. The mouth is mostly finished, just needs a little polish. The eyes need some sanding. The head is really close to finished. Her robotic nature has led to some mobility issues - mostly in the elbow. However, she does look right!
The random green and rust marks are filling tiny bubble holes. The waist section is actually not the final revision but he wanted to test the stringing. The mouth is mostly finished, just needs a little polish. The eyes need some sanding. The head is really close to finished. Her robotic nature has led to some mobility issues - mostly in the elbow. However, she does look right!