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Project Nano Freya

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:00 am
by famedglory
My first nano Freya had some damage from the dye pot. I won't be doing anything with her but she could be a fun challenge for anyone wanting a project doll! So here's the deal. If you want this warped little cutie, tell me why. Draw me a picture, write a poem/story, haiku, photo story whatever. Let me know what you'd do with her. Winner will be picked by me probably arbitrary by whoever amuses me most October 8th. They'll gets her shipped to them completely free of cost on October 9th to anywhere on the planet. I just don't want her to go to waste.


Re: Project Nano Freya

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:57 pm
by Pandor
Do you want to answers/entries in this thread? Ideas, I has them! OwO

Re: Project Nano Freya

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:56 pm
by famedglory
Pandor wrote:Do you want to answers/entries in this thread? Ideas, I has them! OwO

Yup! Just post them here!

Re: Project Nano Freya

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 3:53 pm
by Pandor
Okay here is my quickly drawn concept:

Basically I'd reshape the body to be more normal/cat-like with additive and subtractive mods! Scale wise the resulting cat would be like a 1/3rd scale kitten, I suppose. :3

Re: Project Nano Freya

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:33 pm
by AlmySidaKay
I was put on a forced doll diet.
And now I want yours because you dyed it.
I am actually terrible at poetry.
But at least it's online so it saves a tree.

My real cats love boxes.
And ABS cats could be shipped in,
One, fast as a foxes?!

Have I tortured you enough?
I am not a poetry buff!
But I do like your cat,
And I'd probably make her a hat!

With lots of bad prose,
AlmySidaKay with a rose.


Calla lilies, close enough right?

Re: Project Nano Freya

PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 6:19 am
by quidam
You started out life stuffed and fluffed with a satin ribbon around your neck. They sat you in the crib where you waited for what seemed an eternity. The wait may have seemed long but it was worth it once She arrived: The Child.
She gazed at you in wonder. You gazed at her in love. So formed a life long bond that none could break.
Those who look upon you now – broken and torn, battered and worn- assume your days were hard.
They do not understand the truth. Your days were filled with happiness that few can ever know.
For you know that what you wear are not the wounds of abuse and neglect. Your raggedness is a testament of the love She lavished on you in return for all you did for her. You were the constant companion. You were always there to dry tears and calm the fears. You filled the lonely hours and held all of the secrets her heart couldn’t bare alone.
And while many other toys will come and go from her life, you alone will stand the test of time. For yours is not a fleeting crush, but a tried and true love that will last longer than time itself.
