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FS doll heads

Sell, swap or otherwise rehome that poor neglected dollieh or offload those extra "parts" your Dragondoll Uncle came with.

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    You may have ONE thread per Swap Meet forum. You may have individual items up for sale for no longer than ONE MONTH - after which you must take them down and not relist until at least another month has passed. Even if you update your post to include new items, your post will only remain up for one month from the date of the original posting. You may not bump your sales thread unless it is no longer on the FIRST page of the forum OR you have added items/changed prices. Abuse of this area will result in your being banned from here entirely.

FS doll heads

Postby maywong » Wed Oct 09, 2024 9:08 pm


Please make me an offer. The shipping price is separate. I won't know that until I ship out. I have great feedback here and on eBay.
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MD - Master of Dollology
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