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feedback for roguewolf128

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feedback for roguewolf128

Postby katana803 » Thu Oct 18, 2012 6:24 pm

i commissioned a fairy outfit for my new dolly who's character is based off amy brown''s artwork. i gave her free reign to create other than it should be inspired by amy brown's artwork. she was great to communicate with. the outfit arrived today and it is amazing. the pics i've posted don't do the outfit justice. there are so many tiny details in the outfit that i can't begin to describe them all. there are two tiny crystal pendents that are wrapped in wire and then placed on string. the outline and tassels on the wings match the material in the stocking along with the sleeves on the dress. the string on the pendents and the string to laceup the corset are the same. the piece is just amazing. i will post more pics when my 5star amy arrives home. cannot wait to work more with roguewolf128 to supply my 2 fairy sisters with more beautiful creations.
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Re: feedback for roguewolf128

Postby Vetinari » Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:01 pm

Brilliant! I ordered a medieval LOTR style outfit - it's pretty epic! There are so many lovely little touches that raise the outfit so high above what it could have been. Roguewolf did so much with my rather vague requests - which I've pretty much summed up above. There's even a staff! And a wizards' kit bag (That's how awesome it is!)
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Re: feedback for roguewolf128

Postby katana803 » Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:40 am

sorry it took so long to post this but i was sick for almost a week. roguewolf made me another beautiful fairy outfits. this one is for my 1/4 dika rena who will be coming home soon. it's a two tone blue outfit with a green leaf bag. inspired by the art of amy brown. there is a dress that is shorter in the front than the back, knee high stocking, wings, and a bag. i will be posting pics soon. can't wait to work with roguewolf again. she's amazing.
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Re: feedback for roguewolf128

Postby katana803 » Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:59 pm

recieved another beautiful fairy outfit for my dika rena fairy. this piece was a black and grey with black wire wings. photos have been posted but they don't do the wings justice in my opinion. well packaged and quick shipping. is currently working on another fairy commission for my teen.
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Re: feedback for roguewolf128

Postby katana803 » Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:04 am

recieved latest commission from roguewolf128 today. it is a child victorian outfit for my 5star female quintus whose name is claudia. beautiful little outfit for her. will post pics as soon as i get them taken. as always. pleasure to do business with.
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