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Another day, another intro post...lol

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Another day, another intro post...lol

Postby DinobotDen » Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:17 pm

DinobotDen's the name... I went by DentheAutobot on 13doll, and AutobotDen/Dinobot on Junkyspot. Elsewhere, I'm usually known as Den.

Members of my dollfamily range from a tiny all the way to a 60cm, as well as close to 50 Transformers. I have a livejournal that I keep meaning to update with their antics and other things known as the Plastic Menagerie, a lot of ideas for different dolls, and not nearly enough money to buy all the dolls I want.

I tend to be a bit of a pack-rat in terms of dolls... That is to say, if I get a doll from someone, I tend to make an effort towards bonding with said doll. I've only had one doll that has ever come close to being sold, and that was mostly due to not having her clothes there on hand so I could get a better feel for her. Once her clothes arrived and I had her dressed, she and I bonded, and now I'm looking to get the person she was originally going to be living with another doll as a gift. It's funny how that sort of thing happens.
I am the Transformers Dolls' Primus. :3

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Re: Another day, another intro post...lol

Postby Valli » Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:36 am

Dolls and lots of variety, sounds familiar. I nipped into your Menagerie. Some cuties there. Reminded me of a childhood doll whose name escapes me, but it was a hedgehog and there was a family of them. Strange thing, but so cute. I ramble... so glad to meet you. I wasn't keeping up with everyone on JS, was more 13doll member.
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Re: Another day, another intro post...lol

Postby DinobotDen » Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:33 am

That reminds me... I need to get the TF-apartments re-organized, and pics of all the kids taken... As you can see from the date on the last entry in the P_M, it's been quite awhile... >.>;;
I am the Transformers Dolls' Primus. :3

Saving up for: Bobobie Charisma, Fleshtone
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i see dead dolliehs
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