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Newb powers ACTIVATE~

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 7:07 pm
by rockiteer
Hello hello~ I'm Rockiteer but y'all can call me Jess!

I'm just your average nerdy twentysomething living in middle america. I like reading (YA fantasy is my jam), comics (Lifetime Batman fangirl, addicted to Saga, in love with the new Jem comics), cosplay (me and my BF are doing genderflipped Joker & Harley this summer!), video games (currently replaying Bioshock infinite again!), cartoons (STEVEN UNIVEEEEEEEEERSE), anime & manga (Give me magical girls or GIVE ME DEATH), and dolls (of course)!

I mostly collect Monster High, Ever After High (but just signature releases, my poor wallet can barely take it), and the occasional Pullip or related doll. I do have a soft spot for barbies, as well as MLP and the occasional Bratz. And I have been known to impulse-buy a few of the not-as-well-known doll lines as well! XD

I'm looking forwards to being on here!

Re: Newb powers ACTIVATE~

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 7:14 pm
by ShortNCuddlyAm

Re: Newb powers ACTIVATE~

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 4:41 pm
by maywong
Hi and welcome.

Re: Newb powers ACTIVATE~

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2015 6:37 am
by takahirokumiko

Re: Newb powers ACTIVATE~

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2015 8:02 am
by WhiteDove01s
Hi! Looks like we have a few overlapping fan-interests.

I'm pushing 40 and STILL read some Young Adult books (actually, I'll go look at just about any genre if there's a story that catches my brain in just the right way XD). The most recent one to make it into my book collection was Unwind... Harry Potter has a bigger hold on my brain, though.

I was pretty big on DC until they did one timeline reboot too many (My Transformer fandom, which I'd been in since age 5, died of the same illness when Beast Machines was made), but pre-52 Batman comics are still a fave. (Oh, and Injustice, when I can get my hands on that AU). And I have a lot of older Titans issues.

Cosplay's not a thing for me, but in a way OOAKing dolls to be fandom charas IS kind of like cosplay for dolls. XD I have had the thought of turning a barbie or similar doll into Harley Quinn cross my mind a time or two. Barbie doesn't quite have the right figure, tho, with Harley in her better artwork being all petite, so that might be more likely to happen if I get another pale-skined Liv body and can swap a Barbie head on it... If I ever add her to my shelves, I'd have to make her a 'sort of Earth-3 version', so I can add the Jokester (anyone else remember Joker's good alternate?) and possibly (pre-52) Duela Dent. (The one that was Earth-3 Joker/Jokester's daughter.) But that's still a bit down the line on my doll wishlists for now.

Also, yay, Bioshock. That series was the first FPS game I ever bought or played and really the first game I'd picked up since the N64 era. Though, I have to admit - I 'played' it with cheatcodes because what I really wanted to do was wander around and look at the digital scenery. XD I have plans to sew one of my dolls a 'Little Sister' dress, second game style, as a costume.

I mostly ooak cheap playscale dolls like secondhand barbies into character dolls (My shelves currently have representatives from Final Fantasy 4, Final Fantasy 9, Harry Potter, Mega Man, Star Wars, Puppet Master, and Five Nights At Freddy's), or try to get my hands on all kinds of different 1/6 scale dolls to sew for. And since I tend to get damaged bits when I buy boxes off ebay, I also have a box of 'junk' vinyl bits that I occasionally use for weird experiments. Just so, if nothing else, people will know what NOT to do and why, because I was crazy enough to try it. XD

Anyhow, welcome! I hope you have a great time here. :)

-The Mad Scientist

Re: Newb powers ACTIVATE~

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 12:39 pm
by Aurea Arleigh
Hello and welcome -poofs back into dusty burrow-
