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*Waves from across the Atlantic*

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*Waves from across the Atlantic*

Postby racoon » Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:58 am

I imagine most members of Dollieh Sanctuary are in the States? So hello from across the pond in the UK. I'm a doll artist who makes clothing shoes and wigs, and well, everything I can learn to make for dolls. I live in Wales (next door to England) and have a small collection of dollies, photos of which I'm currently editing to post here somewhere. I also have a sneaking suspicion that I'm WAY older than most other members. So make space for the grannies ;)

My collection consists of Ellowyne Wilde(s), Moxie Teenz, A token Barbie, and Monster High dolls. As well as a couple of retro British dolls like Pedigree Sindy and Palitoy Pippa.

I dream of Iplehous JIDs. My dream dolls, but ack, SO MUCH MONEY :(

Also, I've been wondering which categories to post my pictures in. For the moment it'll be the mixed scale section, but where do Moxie Teenz fit in? Under 1/6 scale or 1/4 scale?

Tess xxx
Last edited by racoon on Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: *Waves from across the Atlantic*

Postby Evelien » Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:00 am

*Waves from across the English channel*

Welcome! ^^ I like Ellowyne Wilde too, I have one at the moment. I actually started my doll collection with vintage Pippa-size dolls, Pamela Love. Do you know Sarah Louise from Debenhams? Pamela had the same body :)

I bought a second hand Iplehouse JID Ryan last week (he should arrive soon) and yeah, SO MUCH MONEY indeed, but omg what a body!!!
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Re: *Waves from across the Atlantic*

Postby Iwa_Hoshi » Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:06 am

Welcome to the board :D
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Re: *Waves from across the Atlantic*

Postby racoon » Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:29 am

Evelien wrote:*Waves from across the English channel*

Welcome! ^^ I like Ellowyne Wilde too, I have one at the moment. I actually started my doll collection with vintage Pippa-size dolls, Pamela Love. Do you know Sarah Louise from Debenhams? Pamela had the same body :)

I bought a second hand Iplehouse JID Ryan last week (he should arrive soon) and yeah, SO MUCH MONEY indeed, but omg what a body!!!

Hello fellow European :D and thank you. know the Sarah Louise dolls, they're like mini Sindys that Debenhams used to sell. I had to google the Pamela Love dolls, but I do recognise them.

Yeah those JIDs are so beautiful, *sigh* congrats on managing to buy one!

Re: *Waves from across the Atlantic*

Postby racoon » Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:30 am

Iwa_Hoshi wrote:Welcome to the board :D

Thank you :)

Re: *Waves from across the Atlantic*

Postby Evelien » Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:39 am

racoon wrote:
Evelien wrote:*Waves from across the English channel*

Welcome! ^^ I like Ellowyne Wilde too, I have one at the moment. I actually started my doll collection with vintage Pippa-size dolls, Pamela Love. Do you know Sarah Louise from Debenhams? Pamela had the same body :)

I bought a second hand Iplehouse JID Ryan last week (he should arrive soon) and yeah, SO MUCH MONEY indeed, but omg what a body!!!

Hello fellow European :D and thank you. know the Sarah Louise dolls, they're like mini Sindys that Debenhams used to sell. I had to google the Pamela Love dolls, but I do recognise them.

Yeah those JIDs are so beautiful, *sigh* congrats on managing to buy one!

Thanks, he did cause me to be broke and I decided not to get any new dolls after him (besides the other two that are still on their way lol). And yep, Sarah Louise was like a mini Sindy :). Pamela Love was sold in the UK as Little Susana I think. I have two boxed Little Susana dolls that are exactly the same as my Pams, they were just sold under a different name.

I love your avatar by the way, is she a Too Wigged Out Ellowyne? She's lovely.
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Re: *Waves from across the Atlantic*

Postby AlmySidaKay » Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:00 am

Welcome to the board! Moxie Teenz have been mostly shoved in the 1/6 category since they are shorter than 40cms plus they can even fit some Barbie clothes. Hope that helps! :D
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Re: *Waves from across the Atlantic*

Postby racoon » Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:02 am

Evelien wrote:
Thanks, he did cause me to be broke and I decided not to get any new dolls after him (besides the other two that are still on their way lol). And yep, Sarah Louise was like a mini Sindy :). Pamela Love was sold in the UK as Little Susana I think. I have two boxed Little Susana dolls that are exactly the same as my Pams, they were just sold under a different name.

I love your avatar by the way, is she a Too Wigged Out Ellowyne? She's lovely.

I'm trying to save for a boy and a girl JID. Probably Ryan and Tatiana, but I could so use that money for the deposit on a flat, which is far more sensible, and not as much fun.

And yes! Thats the avatar, I have four Ells. Basic Too Blonde, Wigged out too, Essential Ell with glass eyes and wigs, and the convention Boo Who halloween doll with the pale skin. I love them all. The one without glass eyes has to suffer being the tailors dummy though, poor thing.

Re: *Waves from across the Atlantic*

Postby racoon » Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:03 am

AlmySidaKay wrote:Welcome to the board! Moxie Teenz have been mostly shoved in the 1/6 category since they are shorter than 40cms plus they can even fit some Barbie clothes. Hope that helps! :D

It does help, thank you :) I'm rubbish on these forum thingys, and constantly post things to the wrong places.

Re: *Waves from across the Atlantic*

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:11 am

Welcome to the forum. We like pictures.
I have so many dolls that I can't fit all their names in my signature anymore. @__@
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