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Online chat meetup 24/7

You hope, you pray you aren't alone in your dollieh fantaticism - so organize that meetup and see who else shares your illusions and dillusions.

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Online chat meetup 24/7

Postby mollym » Mon Dec 31, 2018 11:54 pm

Hello, Dollieh Sanctuary friends!

Everyone is invited to my discord server currently named BJD and Friends. It's 13+ friendly chat that's available 24/7 used by dozens of BJD and other doll owners all around the globe. If anyone needs help using discord, please PM me.

Here is the invite link to use. Feel free to share it with friends that like to chat about dolls.

I hope to see some of you there!
- Molly
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Re: Online chat meetup 24/7

Postby ShortNCuddlyAm » Sat Jan 05, 2019 4:48 pm

I've joined, but as I said in my intro over there, I keep forgetting Discord exists, so may be even less active there than I am here!
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Re: Online chat meetup 24/7

Postby mollym » Sat Jan 05, 2019 9:13 pm

That's okay! I've not set a date for a January virtual meetup yet, but I will make sure to announce it here. There's chat all the time and you can nearly always find another member online by typing @here on a discord server to get a response from someone online.
Man dolls.... because baby dolls come from somewhere. ;)
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