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Atlanta BJD convention October 10th-12th

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Atlanta BJD convention October 10th-12th

Postby Lunari » Wed Jul 09, 2014 4:32 pm

The Atlanta Ball Jointed Doll Convention will be held
at the Holiday Inn-Atlanta Perimeter Atlanta Georgia
October 10th – 12th 2014

I'm planning on attending this convention. Is anyone else going or heard anything good about it?
I'll be driving from NY so plans are a little loose at this point in time.


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Re: Atlanta BJD convention October 10th-12th

Postby K2! » Wed Dec 09, 2015 6:05 pm

I missed that one and went to the 2015 Atlanta BJD convention on November 21 instead. It was small but nice.

There was a great presentation on vinyl dolls. I arrived just in time for the Q&A.

Vinyl was well represented. Volks, Obitsus...

There was even a new Smart Doll Mirai.

Demonstration bodies and even an old strung first version Dollfie Dream.

Lots of Dollfie Dream character models.

A couple of Belldandys, one resin, one vinyl.

Space was tight so I only had room for a small contingent. Anna Marie always goes to cons.

Iris wanted to go as a Star Trek Bunny but she had to settle for this.
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Re: Atlanta BJD convention October 10th-12th

Postby Trethowan » Sun Jan 17, 2016 11:43 pm

Sounds like you had a great time. I should have made time for one of these two conventions.
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