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Is BJD-Shop a safe website?

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Re: Is BJD-Shop a safe website?

Postby she_flame » Sat Feb 07, 2015 2:37 am

Fyrsiel wrote:I'd heard a while back that some elitist types out there have a surreal bias against MSD dolls in the sense that you're "not a real doll owner" if you only have MSD sized dolls... =__o Like... uh??

Lol? I mean, really? In finnish bjd scene, many people own only MSD or smaller dolls, or only one size (one girl has only dolls under 30cm), and no one here thinks they are "not real doll owners". It's like saying, that if you eat meat, you cannot be real animal lover. It's just stupid.
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Re: Is BJD-Shop a safe website?

Postby DollyKim » Sat Feb 07, 2015 6:58 am

Not feeling like going much in to how you have to teach dolls very carefully how to discriminate and hate because when they first come home they're blank slates who want nothing more than to love their new person and play with their new friends. They never check each other's price tags. I don't care who you are, where you're from, what you did, I have very low (doll) standards.

It's all about finding the right doll for you and loving that doll. A mini is the perfect cuddly size for me, the Obitsu 60 goes out a lot because he weighs about the same. The twins stay home a lot because they weigh too much for me to comfortably carry them. I love my Littles (1/6 scale no string dolls) because they can fit in a purse and go on adventures.
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Re: Is BJD-Shop a safe website?

Postby ShortNCuddlyAm » Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:11 am

Fyrsiel wrote:I'd heard a while back that some elitist types out there have a surreal bias against MSD dolls in the sense that you're "not a real doll owner" if you only have MSD sized dolls... =__o Like... uh??

People don't half find some weird and random stuff to get snobby/elitist about
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Re: Is BJD-Shop a safe website?

Postby Greyhaunt » Sat Feb 07, 2015 11:45 pm

Fyrsiel wrote:I'd heard a while back that some elitist types out there have a surreal bias against MSD dolls in the sense that you're "not a real doll owner" if you only have MSD sized dolls... =__o Like... uh??

There's a dumbass in every crowd....quite a few in some :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Is BJD-Shop a safe website?

Postby Tasuke » Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:04 pm

DollyKim wrote:It's all about how much you love your doll. You'll find the right doll, or maybe it'll find you.

you could most definitely say that about my darling Bell-chan♥

she's merely an old 1/6 11in. late-1990's TAKARA/HOBBY BASE collaboration, but she means the world to me all the same...



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Re: Is BJD-Shop a safe website?

Postby Lyraca » Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:14 pm

As far as purchasing goes the site does have very good reviews in general on their page and other places, however they are upfront in their buyers must read guide that what they are selling is recasts. (http://bjd-shop.com/conditions.html)
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