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Yvonne - Zica Toys 1/9 female action figure

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Yvonne - Zica Toys 1/9 female action figure

Postby Anderson'sAllPurpose » Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:44 am

Anyone familiar with these? I just found a Mego Dinah-Mite, and googling turned up some comparison pics with this 1/9 female action figure. It seems like there was a small run made for preorder, and then the Kickstarter to put them in production failed. The home page says they're sold out, which is a pity since they look pretty interesting.


ETA: OK, a few more seconds of googling found at least two places that sell them, so I guess I can find out for myself if they're any good.
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Re: Yvonne - Zica Toys 1/9 female action figure

Postby Jobee » Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:52 am

Those look pretty cool. ^_^
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