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Getting face off cheap "Barbies"

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Re: Getting face off cheap "Barbies"

Postby WhiteDove01s » Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:07 pm

Greyhaunt wrote:Hmmm, I'm gonna have to try that tea tree oil method - much more kitty safe than pure acetone!

Just if you do, be a bit careful of your skin. Undiluted tea tree oil (as it would be in this case) is highly astringent and it can be irritating. (The first time me and the Evil Overlord attempted to make homemade lip balm and put in too much of it (she'd dragged me into helping when I'd only just woke up and was too fuzzybrained to go 'wait, maybe we should dilute that with a carrier oil') proved a painful lesson in this O.o She went to sleep with some of it on and woke up with her lips swollen up like she'd been in a nasty fight! Ooops.)

It shouldn't be any worse than, say, rubbing alcohol as far as skin-drying. Just a fair warning that it isn't the kind of oil that makes a good moisturizer! XD
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Re: Getting face off cheap "Barbies"

Postby victoriavictrix » Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:34 pm

Be aware that dollar store fashion dolls have a much thinner vinyl than brand name. They also may react unpredictably to any given remover you try. Their vinyl even varies (a lot) from batch to batch within the same "brand." This is because they may not be made within the same factory even though they are the same brand.
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Re: Getting face off cheap "Barbies"

Postby DollyKim » Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:59 am

Check thrift stores for $1-$2 loose Barbies, some will even have them by the bag full, especially if you're in to make-overs.

Recently I saw strait doll hair turn up at Hobby Lobby. Almost forgot the white blonde "natural" hair they sell at Jo-Ann is great to work with. Got some of the best compliments for that doll. I've also used hair cut from dress-up head bands from the dollar store.

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Re: Getting face off cheap "Barbies"

Postby maywong » Fri May 01, 2015 1:42 pm

I use pure actone and a Q tip. Then I wash the face with soap and water right afterwards.

For the rerooting I use only the knot method.
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Re: Getting face off cheap "Barbies"

Postby WhiteDove01s » Fri May 01, 2015 5:29 pm

DollyKim wrote:I've also used hair cut from dress-up head bands from the dollar store.

That's what I'm rerooting the Evil Overlord's giant Barbie with. A kind of coppery red for most of it, and a big patch of magenta in the front. XD (I've been days on that reroot so far... I am so slow and can only look at all those little holes so long...)

DollyKim wrote:What ever the kids get up to we want to see pictures when it's done!

Most definitely agreed there! I love seeing the results of projects, even when they're not mine. XD
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Re: Getting face off cheap "Barbies"

Postby Geekmama » Sat May 02, 2015 8:45 pm

OK! :D
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Re: Getting face off cheap "Barbies"

Postby Tasuke » Fri May 15, 2015 10:37 am

you also might try 91% Isopropyl Alcohol you can find it at WAL-MART for like $1.50/$2.00 per 1 qt. bottle,
and i've found it most effective at removing gunky residue, adhesive buildup, and many of the paint apps
applied to today's toys. Experiment, of course, but i don't see why this method wouldn't aid in wiping
the face-ups right off inexpensive bargain house dolls, at least.

also, this solution makes a PEERLESS thinner for water-based Acrylic hobby pigments such as TAMIYA COLOR,
and it evaporates fast, leaving a very clean surface behind...
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Re: Getting face off cheap "Barbies"

Postby Geekmama » Thu May 21, 2015 9:28 pm

My first attempt with acylics (and over-large brushes for the job) was laughably atrocious. I have some pure acetone now, though, and my next attempt with pencils was marginally better. I'm going to wipe it and try again. :)
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Re: Getting face off cheap "Barbies"

Postby WhiteDove01s » Fri May 22, 2015 5:34 am

Geekmama wrote:My first attempt with acylics (and over-large brushes for the job) was laughably atrocious. I have some pure acetone now, though, and my next attempt with pencils was marginally better. I'm going to wipe it and try again. :)

XD I know what you mean about the brushes. I actually ended up buying fancy $5 brushes to do my doll's faces. They're really meant for painting tabletop gaming miniatures, but at least they mean I can do 1/6 scale eyeballs. XD On the cheaper side, if you can get to any kind of craft store you could probably check out their cheap brush bin (the 50-cent ones), pick up the smallest liner brushes you can find... and then trim em down tinier with manicure scissors. You'd get a whole range of teeny brushes for what I paid for that 'Wargamer Psycho' (tho I have to admit, I'm still stuck on it for things like eyelashes and pupils. XD)
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