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Figurevore - registration closed?

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Re: Figurevore - registration closed?

Postby maywong » Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:32 pm

It's came back on line. Milk was changing host. BTW you know can register for being a member. Milk was gone and open up the membership to anyone interested.
Here what Milk said.

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the abrupt downtime. I had decided to change server hosts again since I was not pleased with my old hosts' service (you get what you pay for) at the last minute. Please let me know if you run into any issues with slow loading, dead pages, database errors, etc.

I also am attempting to bump up the security so I can open up registration again and hopefully block any stupid spammers. I added some security questions that you will have to answer when you post. I'm sorry if it's annoying, but it's a necessity in this day and age since there doesn't seem to be any better anti-spam mods available.

So far there are three "trivia" questions. Here are the answers just in case.:
What's the name of Barbie's teen sister? Skipper.
Who makes Fashion Royalty dolls? Integrity.
Where is Hot Toys headquarters located? Hong Kong.

If you have any other trivia questions you'd like thrown in the mix, let me know. LOL

Merry Christmas y'all, stay safe and warm.

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Re: Figurevore - registration closed?

Postby Eseme » Wed Dec 09, 2015 10:20 am


I am a member, this is AWESOME!

So excited.

You are the BEST.

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