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I have enough money for a new dollieh, but...

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Re: I have enough money for a new dollieh, but...

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:31 pm

Well, I didn't spend all my dollieh monies... I just got a new Obitsu slim male (who will be 1/6th-scale Sephiroth), a bitty bitsu body (for my LPS Blythe), and a chocolate Hujoo Suve (to make Clover's evil twin). :lol: all of which together cost less than any of the MSDs I was thinking of getting.

>_> I shall wait for my darling Alpha as long as it takes...

<_< although I might end up getting more MSDs first. Limwha Mono has been calling my name pretty hard lately. >_> and I'll need one anyway if I get the Alpha...
I have so many dolls that I can't fit all their names in my signature anymore. @__@
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Lamia of the Dark
BD - Bachelors in Dollology
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