Sooo... Which companies have resin that is pure paper white? I'm vaguely looking around for 70cm male bodies in paper white resin; Drax is going to end up on a WS body eventually... Wont actually happen for ages yet but I thought it'd be a good idea to see what's out there.
So there's Dikadoll, Resinsoul, Island (ish)... Um yeah... He's quite a large head as they go; size 9 in wigs so I don't think he'd look that great on the narrow shoulders of the RS body.
Also random aside - yellowish Normal skins? My Benedict Cumberbatch MNM has quite yellowish skin; no way near as jaundiced looking as DZ yellow, but definitely not pink.
Ick why have I accumulated so many heads?? I would say only complete dolls from now on but I know that's never going to happen... Still at least my PS DZ should be a decent match for my Bowie MNM... I hope...