by Starwaia » Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:40 pm
I've felt the same way with my doll, Laika. I decided to try some photomanipulation, to see if a different wig or eyes would help. I haven't found the right combination yet, but I'm still trying! I look at pictures of wigs for sale on, say, Mint on Card, and I pose my doll accordingly. That might help if you want to try another look but don't want to spend money on a wig that might not work. Good luck with whatever you decide!
Resin Dolliehs: Laika, Halogen, Mischka, Caitlin, Vriska, Bailey | Vinyl: Mels, Felis, Kizuna | Incompletes: Yue, Cawbri, Natalie | Others: Angel, Lagoona, Chara, various barbies | Wishlist: none atm | Saving: Clothes and stuff