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How much do others influence your dolls' personalities?

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Re: How much do others influence your dolls' personalities?

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:57 am

oh, lol..... of course I completely forgot to mention in my previous post that some of my dolls are character dolls based on characters from books/anime/video games. So those dolls are almost completely influenced by the original creator's version of the character.
I have so many dolls that I can't fit all their names in my signature anymore. @__@
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Re: How much do others influence your dolls' personalities?

Postby takahirokumiko » Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:44 pm

If we aren't counting the doll making his or her own personality, not really. Akane decided to be quite different from who I originally planned him to be, but he was still Akane. He just became the other version that I played with when I was bored, and through him, that Akane became his own character.
Kharis is Kharis. He became what I expected him to be after some time.

I've had people try to tell me who and what my dolls are. <__< However, in the end, it is my decision... or Khar's... or Akane's.
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Re: How much do others influence your dolls' personalities?

Postby Calivano » Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:26 am

To me it doesn't matter what other people think about my doll. Just like what other people say doesn't affect who I am or what I stand for, It doesn't affect the personality I want for my doll.
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Re: How much do others influence your dolls' personalities?

Postby ota_king » Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:51 pm

not much >_<; probably cause I'm the only one into dolls and because I always make up crazy stories before buying them.
But if anyone were to tell me something about some of my dolls, I can easily see myself being swayed by their opinion :D
I sometimes design my custom based on what my boyfriend wants too :)
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