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1/4 adult male sculpt questions...what would you recommend?

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Re: 1/4 adult male sculpt questions...what would you recomme

Postby iron_dog » Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:30 pm

The old AoD bodies from 2008 to sometime in... 2011? are quite muscled and mature looking. They stand like rocks, too. If you wanted to keep in the smaller size, Lume Lights are very mature and are 28cm. I have both the slim and muscle body for those guys and they're just gorgeous. The OD Tae/Il are also very mature although short for an MSD (40.5cm) but be warned, while the body is fantastic, they seem to have collapse o-matic knees and that will drive you bonkers. The FL Chicline are also very mature bodies/faces and are in the typical MSD range.

If you wanted to go a bit bigger than standard MSD sizes, the SD Vito's are bigger than most MSD's at 52cm and Impldoll makes a 58cm line of boys. Batchix also has 2 boys out for pre-order that are... 51cm I believe. The human version of Soom Zinc is around 52cm I believe but was a monthly doll and is sold out now.

I spent quite a bit of time looking for shorter SD's/really tall MSD's for an upcoming couple who are adult so...
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Re: 1/4 adult male sculpt questions...what would you recomme

Postby Trethowan » Fri Apr 25, 2014 9:55 pm

How about the Mystic Kids dolls? Does anyone have an MSD? I'm thinking most of their sculpts lean towards the more stylized doll faces though, so that probably isn't going to give the mature look, face-wise. I don't remember what their bodies look like.
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Re: 1/4 adult male sculpt questions...what would you recomme

Postby MeltedCaramel » Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:22 am

Darn, I'm late on my own thread! *headdesks* Okaaayyy, anyway. iron_dog thank you so much for all the recommendations, I'm slowly going through the list! <33 And Trethowan, the Mystic Kids line, I can't tell which ones of theirs are MSDs! :oops: However, I definitely don't mind stylized faces, I just don't want an MSD doll that looks like he's around twelve. The doll I'm really interested in at the moment is Island Doll's Shukaku sculpt. He's not exactly a thirty year old man, but he doesn't look like he's prepubesent either! :lol: So I'm quite open to lean pretty guys too, I'm just trying to avoid that trap of "MSD=kid" because the MSD size range is my ideal BJD size for now, both in space and with my health issues preventing me from hauling around big resin asses. ;)
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Re: 1/4 adult male sculpt questions...what would you recomme

Postby Trethowan » Tue Apr 29, 2014 6:59 pm

MeltedCaramel wrote:Darn, I'm late on my own thread! *headdesks* Okaaayyy, anyway. iron_dog thank you so much for all the recommendations, I'm slowly going through the list! <33 And Trethowan, the Mystic Kids line, I can't tell which ones of theirs are MSDs! :oops: However, I definitely don't mind stylized faces, I just don't want an MSD doll that looks like he's around twelve. The doll I'm really interested in at the moment is Island Doll's Shukaku sculpt. He's not exactly a thirty year old man, but he doesn't look like he's prepubesent either! :lol: So I'm quite open to lean pretty guys too, I'm just trying to avoid that trap of "MSD=kid" because the MSD size range is my ideal BJD size for now, both in space and with my health issues preventing me from hauling around big resin asses. ;)

I do wish that there were more older MSD sculpts. They're a fun size to collect. I'm attempting to amass a fairy horde for Foster. hehe
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