Kirahfaye wrote:This is a TRAINEE?! With known attitude problems? Wow, she doesn't care if she keeps her potential job, does she?
And sorry for the rant, but I cannot abide inconsideration, especially when it's intentional. We all are inconsiderate sometimes, but nastiness is never acceptable behavior.
A lot of us there don't know why she wasn't shown the door weeks ago. I'm far from the only person she's been snarky to. I think they're just giving her enough rope to hang herself, personally.
Bionicandy wrote:You know, I feel that people (even those usually polite) have an easy time insulting dolls. I think it's just the pop culture around them; adults and dolls = horror movies, or weird kinky stuff. So, I feel like they jump to fear and repulsion. Like, I've shown my Hujoo Berry to friends and family, and honestly she was just an experiment.. she does look like a little troll, with that huge head and eyes x'D but its something that grows on you, I guess. Most of people who've seen her go THAT'S CREEPY MAKE IT STOP LOOKING AT ME.
x'D But I don't get upset, even though they ignored all the work I put into trying to make her look cute.
I guess, in that person you're talking about, they're not too well-mannered to begin with. But I wouldn't let initial comments bug you from anyone, whether they're nice or mean. Society hasn't prepared them to look into an inanimate object and see the life that we see, y'know? Everyone's gotta unlearn things, and in their case, its their fear/repulsion of dolls
People can't help getting their "uncanny valley" reaction triggered, and if it had been something like that it wouldn't have made me so mad. But she said that about Cherry just to get under my skin--which she did, sadly, although I didn't let her know it because that would have just been what she wanted. As I said, I laughed it off, and one of the other trainees called her on it immediately, which actually made me feel pretty good. Cherry has a lot of new friends at work!
DollyKim wrote:
LOL! I seriously doubt the Master is being much help there, and poor Eleventy looks like he's getting a migraine.