Gods yeah, after 5 years of constant moving and one-room flats I'm not sure how I'm going to cope with an actual house/apartment in future! I've got a horrible feeling that there'll be a Room With No Name!
Ah - therein lies the problem! There currently isn't a concept - Beyond the possible name of Ramin I have no idea who he's going to be either! He's one of those purely impulse buys; where I got him because I love the sculpt but I didn't and still don't have a character in mind for him... Normally I have at least some idea of what I'd like the doll to end up as; even if that doesn't always happen. I'm open to suggestions! I've realised my doll-gang has a lack of "normal" human beings, but having said that the non-humans aren't inhuman superbeings in the traditional sense... Eh
(The last doll I had no idea for was Elrana, but thinking back on it the character idea was already there I just hadn't realised she'd be the doll that would end up representing it! Heh - and most of the following dolls have really revolved around her and her universe! ...Not that you'd know it with how little she's been photographed; I think I may have finally put her outfit together but I'll have to wait until late September to see if it actually fits)