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The Dollieh Waiting Room

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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby AlmySidaKay » Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:41 pm

I've managed to break the latch that holds my batteries in on my camera, but sadly my phone takes better photos than my point and shoot did anyway. So I've totally succumbed to the bad cellphone doll photos too. I feel you! :D
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Kirahfaye » Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:04 pm

I have succumbed to Ellowyne apparently. I just won a Grand Despair (platinum hair) nude doll off Ebay for a fantastic price. I'll need to start looking for her outfit now, though. That could end up costing more than she did! :lol:
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby FacelessPuppets » Thu Sep 26, 2013 6:41 am

Oh man.... I placed my first Junkyspot order. Mystic Kids Vanetta, hopefully I was quick enough to get a Nano Freya too...

She's kind of my first real impulse buy, she's so lovely! I so do look forward to receiving these sweeties.
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby TasiaChiba » Thu Sep 26, 2013 4:51 pm

Still waiting on Dollmore to ship my Lilis Liv, but purchased a second hand head today and should be shipped either today or tomorrow~ Since I've wanted this particular head for YEARS, I'm veritably on cloud nine~ <3

I'll also be making a purchase from Junky Spot shortly for some supplies and Obitsu heads I've been wanting... whee~

I've been spending like a mad hatter this month... /o\
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Heberis » Fri Sep 27, 2013 6:26 am

So I've been waiting over 4 months for my Island Doll Lilith (ordered via Angelesque) and while I have these moments of impatience, I'm also really happy that I've been able to do some good planning. Her character and look are now well thought out, I've ordered some clothes and she'll probably have a wig and a pair of eyes waiting for her as well. All I'll have to do to complete her once she arrives is to send the head to a faceup artist.

By the way, while I was waiting for what was supposed to be my first doll, I actually bought another one. :lol: I know a lot of people buy a doll while waiting for another but I didn't think this would happen to me so soon! Well, the wait is certainly easier now that I have another dollieh to complete and shower with love.

Still, a lot of people have received their Island Dolls in just a couple of months. I wonder if it's that tan resin takes longer to make.
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby magkelly » Fri Sep 27, 2013 8:05 am

AlmySidaKay wrote:I've managed to break the latch that holds my batteries in on my camera, but sadly my phone takes better photos than my point and shoot did anyway. So I've totally succumbed to the bad cellphone doll photos too. I feel you! :D

By latch do you mean spring or plastic latch? If it's the latter a bit of electrical tape would do you. If it's just a spring most hobby shops will have tiny ones that you can glue to fit. It's not the end of the camera unless you want it to be.
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby TasiaChiba » Fri Sep 27, 2013 12:11 pm

Um, so... the second hand dolly head I was waiting on to be shipped yesterday...? It was shipped... and arrived today!!!! O____O;;; Talk about not having a chance to freak out! lol! Thought I was gonna hafta wait until Monday, but oh, boy! He did not arrive precisely as advertised -- head cap mechanism was obviously broken clean off and re-glued on. And he has most certainly yellowed. The area where the tape was removed is a much lighter pink in person, lol. But his face is intact, I can deal with the yellowing, and he's HOME!!!

Still waiting on my Lilis Liv head, though, ho hum~ And didn't even have a chance to order my MSC and Obitsu heads, but I haz a dollieh headz0rz in mah handz~
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby magkelly » Fri Sep 27, 2013 8:35 pm

I finally found a Catty Noir I could afford! Yay! I also splurged on the last Bratzilla Switch-A Witch add on doll that I've been wanting to get because they finally discounted it to where I thought it was worth it. I got the one half yellow doll a while back but the other doll is the opposite in terms of parts being yellow and I'm wanting to do an OOAK job on those. You can take the paint off the heads and the torsos but the arms and legs and that the plastic is tinted and you can't. With this kit I can now make one whole yellow doll and one white doll in terms of the bodies. I'm going to do that, make an OAK doll from the all white parts, but keep the yellow and white head with star on the yellow doll.

Plus Dad had me pick and order some natural/gold striped curtains for his living room and den while I was doing that I got the CAM Blob and Ice Girl pack I've been wanting on his dime. Fair trade as I had to measure for them and I will have to spend half a day hanging them all! Might have to hem them too depending on if they are too long or not. I don't think so but it will depend upon the hooks he chooses to use. Might make him a designer valance for Christmas. I have some upscale material I think that will match the thin gold metallic stripes in those very nicely and I just might turn it into a topper for him. He liked the idea of one but the curtains were a bit pricey and he finally decided not to get the topper because it was more than 3 panels combined, a bit too much for what it was. It's basically just a long swatch of material with some gathering and heck, I can do that on my machine for a heck of a lot less.

So that leaves me with 3 boys and Sarah Screams left on my MH "want" list and since I seriously doubt I am going to lay my hands on Jackson, Holt or Clawde without paying a small fortune (Not!) and ditto Scarah (Not!) I think I am just going to paint up CAM lab girl into being Scarah and likely call it a day in terms of MH collecting unless they come out with something I just can't resist next wave, wink. Seriously, don't think so. Catty got me because I have a thing for MH cats but she's probably going to get a slight redo because I hate, hate, hate that outfit and want to give her green eyes I think besides. Scarah was really the only other doll that they issued this Fall that I wanted but I am not seeing her in stock anywhere for less than $50 and I'm just not going there. Not when I have a green girl I can adapt into being her pretty easily.
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Kirahfaye » Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:30 pm

I made an offer on a Lishe Elf SD on the MP and the buyer accepted! And she comes with an AngelToast face-up, too. With any luck I'll have her by the end of the week!
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Jany » Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:24 am

My Miros are home! I haven't unwrapped the boy body yet (he came unstrung), but I'm about to re-string the girl and give my floating head a faceup :mrgreen:
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