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The Dollieh Waiting Room

General discussions about dolls, new releases, doll reviews...you know, stuff that doesn't really fit in all the other categories but is strictly about dolls.

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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby arrowchild » Wed Apr 16, 2014 7:26 am

I ordered my DC Dolores last month. So ridiculously excited about him!!!! :D And getting antsy already for his arrival. So many face-up/tattoo plans for that boy...
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby FacelessPuppets » Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:50 am

Thank you Bionicandy :D All I've got planned for her are some weird eyes and rainbow freckles, I'm slowly working out her personality.

Also... I'm a dork. -_- I got the two big ones just fine, but apparently instead of ordering the 11cm body for my Coco I accidentally ordered the petite fairy head I'd been mulling over. That's what I get for not double checking my order.

Welll.... Looks like I'm gonna have to get two bodies next time, for my two dream obitsu tinies! Yay mistakes! Aw, poor wallet.
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby ShortNCuddlyAm » Thu Apr 17, 2014 6:41 pm

I have bodies! Hujoo/Obitsu hybridising will start tomorrow (a Basic and a Berry going onto 27cm heads, and a Chicaloca going (I hope!) onto a 45cm body). And my Lillycat Ninon has shipped :D
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Kirahfaye » Wed May 07, 2014 6:45 pm

I just put a deposit down on a 2008 BW modded Juri/AoD hybrid girl. I plan on eventually switching her to an older Luts body at some point, but right now I'm just so happy to have her - soon! :D
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby kenaiqueen » Wed May 21, 2014 12:45 pm

Adding 3 new girls to my family this month! (Or maybe next month since they aren't here yet.) First, I have a new tiny Ai coming via Kirafaye (thank you!) and secondly, I ordered my first Kurhn doll off ebay. She could take weeks to arrive since she coming from China. She's a beautiful Moon Goddess with a gorgeous outfit. And, number 3, this morning, I was able to order one of the Tonner Convention exclusives, a Deja Vu girl dressed in a medieval outfit: Lady Arabella. She has rooted hair so I won't be able to mess with her look all that much. I'm hoping they plan to make more outfits for her, altho I can sew my own anyway.

Now that I've blown my budget, I will have to eat beans for lunch for weeks, but so totally worth it!
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby OkamiKodomo » Wed May 21, 2014 12:55 pm

I got the notice from mint on card... the last piece of my layaway is en route so as soon as it gets to them, and they inspect it, it will be on the way! Vorelvaeri will be whole again and Xiu will have his new shell. ~squee~
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby ShortNCuddlyAm » Wed May 21, 2014 6:18 pm

Just as I thought I wasn;t going to be tempted by any more dolls, Fairyland released their Steam Age RealPukis. So I've ordered a RealPuki Toki. But just the basic, not the fullset, as the only bit of the fullset I was really interested in was the shoes, and they are not worth over $100 (or over $200 if I wanted them painted!) :lol:
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby werepuppy » Mon May 26, 2014 6:23 am

Because of selling off some old stuff tech wise - thank you CEX - I had a bit of money to spare. And so... I looked into my custom list. I've just bought all I need to make my first 11cm custom; who I am going to call Matilda ^^. Looking forward to making her up.
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Myrretah » Tue May 27, 2014 5:59 pm

I am waiting for an Ai! I am so excited. I am also waiting for a doll family a body,a doll chateau christina head (not for that body) and a lill critter but it is coming in the same box as Okami's stuff so I haven't said anything about it... well not the doll family body, that is coming from nebraska. I am waiting to order a migidoll Jina head which is for the doll family body. I hate waiting, LOL. I want to order him so I can wait for him to arrive. I wish I could find a person that has one to get... but I guess it is better to wait and get one that is new. The body he's going on will need some tlc and I can't work on it till I get his head. In the meantime though... I am waiting for them all, LOL. did I mention that I hate waiting?
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Nelly19 » Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:23 pm

Oh dear, I havent posted here in almost 2 years, that being said, I was in the hobby (had a job) bought my first obitsu, wrecked it as a newbie, then did a bit of the dollfie dreams, too expensive and too floppy. Dyed 2 brown skinned (still have them), then I lost my job. I was unemployed for a year, then got a new job. Applied to school in china (cause I love being unemployed :| ) and have decided to get back into the hobby-atleast get a pal for the journey (in the event I move to china) and if not to quell the boredom.

That being said I am going back to obitsu and trying out a 47cm body and new megu head. I hated being sidelined. I am very glad that am back! I am also a fan girl of yaoi, so my character concept is ....a trap! Fun times ahead am sure :D.

oh and Nimen hao!
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