Hello. Mind if I jump in?
I'm waiting on a Hujoo Sara. She'll be here in two or three days. I went through my collection of MSD-sized clothes, wigs and eyes yesterday and organized everything. I have some wigs in my drawers that I've had for 10 years!
I have an INSANE number of 6-7" and 7-8" wigs, but most of them are those Monique wigs. I can't stand most Monique wigs because they have a million flyaway hairs, and look bad unless you put something on them to tame the flyaways. The only reason I have so many is that they're easy to get where I live. LOL. Pretty much every time Audrey's Doll Gallery puts them on sale for half price, I've bought a bunch, so my collection has grown over the years.
So when Sara gets here, she'll have a wig and eyes waiting. Poor girl won't have any shoes, though. I'll have to get her something for her feet.
My avatar is my Hujoo Rose.