Have an Obitsu 23 cm boy body on order for a planned Frankendolly project (he will be getting a Bong-Gu head). Since it is coming from Junky Spot, should be here in a couple of days...
Have an order in through DDE for a ResinSoul Xu in coffee tan skin. Paid in full, just waiting.
And, just put in an order for a Charles Creature Cabinet doll named Fintan Fletcher. He is a preorder also through DDE.
Contemplating what to put for next. My want list includes a Dollzone fullset Scarecrow Hal (one of my grail dolls), a ResinSoul Gang in coffee tan, and several other dolls that I want just because I want them (which is not to say I really NEED them, but there are times I just WANT them because I WANT them, which is not a good thing since it means the explosion of doll population in my house is becoming disproportionate to the free time I have to play with them).
That said, I will probably go ahead and order more...
I am an addict!!!!!
Keep the Torches Burning...It makes the scarecrow REAL nervous.