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Is That.... A Barbie? (please share stories!)

General discussions about dolls, new releases, doll reviews...you know, stuff that doesn't really fit in all the other categories but is strictly about dolls.

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Re: Is That.... A Barbie? (please share stories!)

Postby Kukolka » Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:33 pm

The first time I encountered ABJDs, at Genericon, I was a bit shocked to learn the wigs and eyes and even heads can be changed out. At the time I couldn't understand why anyone would want to change aspects of a doll once the owner created the doll to their liking. When I started looking into the hobby for myself, I initially thought *my* doll would represent one character, and only ever need one pair of eyes and one wig. But then... this wig is pretty too, and so is that one without bangs, people do change hairstyles, and maybe for special occasions I'll make one in an elaborate style with braids piled on top of her head... And the ability to swap out eyes is useful for another character whose eyes change from amber to red. Even my own default-grey eyes change if I wear blue or green. Perceptions change. :}
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