versora Haha, actually a smoking dungeon would be great if it has windows. Is it the type of basement that has ground-level windows? He can open those up and smoke under them. Also, is the house two stories plus the basement, or two stories including the basement? If it's two stories plus the basement I think you'll find confining hubby to the upper level (or the basement, depending, but since smoke smell rises you may want to confine smoking activities upstairs and your doll downstairs to keep them as far apart as possible) might cut down on the general cloying, smoky feel of the downstairs, which I assume would be the entertainment/living area?
I feel bad that you have to go through such drastic measures to keep your doll smoke free!!
Smoking is such a pain in the ass, even smokers agree!!
THE MONEY. Oh man, it's like you have an invisible dependent living in your house, and his name is Marlboro.