oniakki wrote:MeltedCaramel wrote:{...} Also, if I remember correctly, Ciel is thirteen, not eight. I know that doesn't sound much better though!!
) It personally doesn't bother me, especially because that's what the actual mangaka is going for. {...}
Doesn't sound better to people from other countries because of their countries' age of consent laws. In Japan the age of consent is 13. I did some digging into it a while back because I was curious why so many anime characters were 13.
I've heard that some prefectures have local overrides bumping the age up to 16-18 (depending on prefecture) but only for intercourse or some such. I haven't found definitive proof of this though so no idea how accurate it actually is. (Side effect of not being able to read much Japanese.)
<----Oh, I'm well aware of Japan's obsession with youth. It's not just the laws but a cultural divide thing that many Westerners don't really get. (I've heard so many "shocked Westerner" stories of seeing salarymen groping teenage girls on the train, and spying on them in schoolgrounds, and even worse, lots of the young girls will encourage the behaviour for juvenile giggles since Japan is a pretty safe place (in general, I'm not listing specifics) and that guy err...pleasuring himself on school grounds? He's more likely to freak the hell out and drive away if he's harassed by his objects of affection than he is to be anything more than a really introverted pervert.
Sometimes liking anime is part understanding that a) it's
fake, no children were sacrificed to demon butlers, etc. in the making of said anime, and b) realizing that no matter how fascinating it is, you're watching a skewed, fetishized version of something that you're not likely to readily culturally understand, which is why you run across so many things that make an eyebrow go up. (I'll admit the prevalence of "stereotypical black" designed characters in even modern anime throws me a little, but I understand that it is again, a cultural divide thing, not a blatant attempt at racism, and I need to keep my mouth shut lest I start WW3 over it on some video or something.) I have a friend who has taught English in Japan, she's in the process of moving back, speaks flawless Japanese, has been there for a total of 10+ years in all her wandering around the globe, and she
still admits that Japanese is a unique culture that often clashes with others. She in particular hates the Japanese custom of "when you're angry, be really anally polite until you sound like a rote textbook description" because Japanese people will very rarely actually
tell you outright that you're offending the hell out of them, they rely on distancing themselves to get their point across. That's quite different from my Italian upbringing! I'm used to seeing pots and pans go flying, and you
always know when someone is pissed off!!
The cultural thing can be an extremely fascinating topic provided someone regards it with a neutral eye and an understanding that it is truly another culture, and while not another
planet, you need to let go of some preconceived notions to truly enjoy their culture for what it is, not what you wish it would be.
Also, final note: Anime Is Not Japan. Biggest mistake I see people make. Search google for articles and you'll find tons of examples of this hilariously misguided notion. A parody video says it best(won't link it here unless someone asks because it's raunchy and full of bad language.
*School bell rings*
Boy: Oh no, I'm gonna be late for anime school!