I am terribly tempted to get a Doll Chateau Christina and Sexta right now. >_> The extra jointed body is just so interesting looking.
And as always I keep searching for the perfect dolls to shell my two boys in. I'm pretty set on Iplehouse SID Storm for the one boy and suddenly decided that Chase is a better sculpt than Tedros for the other but the EIDs are just much too big as lovely as they are. >_> So I've been looking for dolls in the 68cm range that have a sort of smile/smirk like Chase but are more slender than the Iplehouse SID. Ran across PoPo Doll Nangong You
http://popodoll.com/show.php?contentid=9 who has about the closest thing to a smile I've really seen in male SDs though that is partially because of how the faceup is done I'm sure. And then for some reason I started to really like Dollzone Yue as well but I wish he had open eyes too.
My indecisiveness makes me just want to buy all the dolls so I don't have to choose.
Completely impossible but yeah. Trying to decide between all the lovelies is evil. So many temptations so little funds.
Anyone else run across male SD with a sort of smirk/smile like Iplehouse Chase?
http://iplehouse.net/shop/step1.php?number=1833 Just curious since my dollieh knowledge is very limited.