Calivano, that is a heartbreaking story. Kids should never be socially shamed into hiding who they are. The system's hypocrisy never ceases to amaze and disgust me sometimes. All of our young lives, the outward message is "be yourself" and "you're special and unique and you should never care what anyone else thinks of you" but in reality, the truth is, be yourself, so long as you're just like everyone else. You're special and unique, but if you're in any way different from what society says you should be, you will be shunned and/or shamed or even vilified by the rest of the herd. I am glad you got to have that talk with your wife, and I hope everything works out for you.
My ex always thought my dolls were creepy, and didn't understand the attachment to them, but for all our problems that eventually caused us to go separate ways, he was always admiring of the creative aspect, and what I was able to do with them. He never hesitated to tell his friends, when they noticed Vespera or Rune sitting on my desk "dude, she made everything they're wearing, and painted the faces and everything!" Unfortunately, he did also have a habit of telling people what they were worth, monetarily, which made me uncomfortable, because most of his friends were homeless and/or drug addicts... and that WAS one of the reasons we split up. I couldn't deal with that around me, and I couldn't deal with being terrified of coming home to find my home ransacked and my darlings missing, sold to some pawn shop for a few bucks of fix money. Small personal items had already slowly gone missing, from a cheap flash drive that I used for work, to a bundle of hair ties, to a little costume jewelry necklace that was sitting on my dresser. Then when his one friend went "So wait you could sell that thing on ebay for $XX amount?" that did it. I had to keep my dolls hidden in my studio. That was just one of the problems we had, but it's the one that is related to dolls.
Most people I know may not get it, but at worst, they're a little weirded out and even then, once they realize the reason I like them, they usually are ok.