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The Dollieh Waiting Room

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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Evelien » Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:00 am

Gift_in_Edge wrote:My Only-Doll order is going on 2 months and 7 days. I'm getting antsy.

No pre-orders for me ever again, unless I really have to, but then even again.

Seriously?? Did do you order from Mint on Card too? My RuoDie was sent to MoC two weeks after they placed their order with them, but that was when the company Only-Doll had just started out I guess.
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby famedglory » Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:20 am

I'm being so bad at this. I'm at just over 5 weeks waiting and I know that's like nothing. I waited for around 10 weeks back before they shipped Dani, but this is driving me crazy. I guess that just shows how much I really want this doll, huh?
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Shinku_Rhapsody » Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:51 pm

Ah! My heads are sitting in the post office right now! But I can't get them until Saturday when I'm not working. I have to wait even longer...
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby famedglory » Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:35 am

Okay. So I emailed Bobobie on Monday. Haven't heard back from them yet. In the past they've gotten back to me within two-three days so this is a little unusual but whatever. I go to their site right now to check something and it's gone. *headdesk* I would be totally panicking right now but something very similiar happened back when I was waiting for Dani. But seriously. This is making me so nervous.
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Evelien » Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:53 am

If they're having problems with their domain name, perhaps it's affecting their email too..? Dunno...
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Linteia » Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:10 pm

famedglory wrote:Okay. So I emailed Bobobie on Monday. Haven't heard back from them yet. In the past they've gotten back to me within two-three days so this is a little unusual but whatever. I go to their site right now to check something and it's gone. *headdesk* I would be totally panicking right now but something very similiar happened back when I was waiting for Dani. But seriously. This is making me so nervous.

I saw a notice from them over on DoA yesterday saying they were taking the site down for a month, but they could still be contacted by email. I think they're doing site maintenance. So, that's why the site isn't popping, at least.
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby richila » Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:32 pm

Still waiting for my RP Roro, the last payment on the layaway is due next week-I hope she comes in by then.
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby SetsunaKou » Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:05 pm

Had a wonderful surprise from Popodoll yesterday!! The 68cm Male body I ordered 15 days ago and was supposed to ship out to me in late May, CAME IN YESTERDAY!!! I was shocked when my post lady rang the doorbell and I opened the door to find her with this huge box! I was like 'NO way! Can't be!' but my head kept saying it HAD to be, because I didn't order any other doll, apart from my preorder at MoC, which they're holding for me until a head comes in.

Sure enough, it's the Popodoll body!!! :faints: And it's really nice!! I thought I'd NEVER pay this much for a body alone, but I had luck selling my AD 72cm male body at a great price, so it's almost an 'even trade', just adding on about $50 to my initial cost! YAY! I needed this slightly shorter 68cm size for my Konitan portrait doll. ^^

Now, I'm just waiting on the Fantasydoll 69cm Lionel and Dragondoll Cheng head from MoC! They emailed me they received the FD doll (without box??! Huh?) and they're just waiting on Cheng to arrive until they ship my items out to me! Hopefully it'll be this month!!!! YAY!
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:34 pm

>_> Well, Lamia's first resin kid will be coming this summer. I ordered an Angel of Dream MSD boy (Chi). It will be a couple months before he gets here...
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Evelien » Sat Apr 21, 2012 4:53 am

Congrats on the new arrivals and orders :-D I received my nekomimi girl's cat ears this week. I probably won't have the doll herself for another month though lol.
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