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Dollieh temptations and plans

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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Iwa_Hoshi » Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:26 am

Could someone please go buy Granado's Pluto so that I don't have to. I would be happy just to look at owners' pics since I can't hybrid him to the Iplehouse EID body(of which I should be thankful). His sizzling dangerously charming good looks is threathening to sizzle my wallet the way Iplehouse Dexter sizzled mine. Normally Jack would be pretty territorial about me getting large male dolls but this guy looks like the younger version of himself/ his son Eric /an upsized Randall/ Cody from Final Fight. And that whole thing about having clothes that actually fit.


I should not look too closely at Granado Pluto. Things looks kinda scary when I start wondering why certain dolls look familiar. How may more versions of this guy do I need anyway? Clearly my 55cm guy is not actively countering this version and neither is Jack...

Edited again...

Cat girls are incredibly quick little creatures. I'm looking to mug a Azone Happiness Clover Western themed Yui for her body and clothes for my Megu. And my resident blue eyes cat girl is calling dibs on the Yui head if the eyes aren't removable (striped cat girl wants that head if it was)

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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Qrinta » Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:00 pm

I am telling myself I do NOT need another LUTS centaur. Thankfully the Honey Delf heads don't have elf ears or I would have an even harder time ignoring them. XD They are so cute! But I love my tinytaur and as fun as it would be for her to have a big sibling (I apparently love the idea of mini versions/twins and the HDF centaurs are the same colors as the tinies.) I do not need another centaur. Still saving up to get Rot and Ashes, the last two dragons from Aileen Dolls I haven't snatched up yet, so no big sister/brother for Mim. I'm seriously going to try and stick to the tinies when it comes to my more random dollieh purchases.
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Trethowan » Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:57 am

Qrinta wrote:I am telling myself I do NOT need another LUTS centaur. Thankfully the Honey Delf heads don't have elf ears or I would have an even harder time ignoring them. XD They are so cute! But I love my tinytaur and as fun as it would be for her to have a big sibling (I apparently love the idea of mini versions/twins and the HDF centaurs are the same colors as the tinies.) I do not need another centaur. Still saving up to get Rot and Ashes, the last two dragons from Aileen Dolls I haven't snatched up yet, so no big sister/brother for Mim. I'm seriously going to try and stick to the tinies when it comes to my more random dollieh purchases.

Need... such an unnecessary word... XD
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Iwa_Hoshi » Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:27 am

Iplehouse loves to tempt me. I'm already saving up to get some parts and stuff from them and they come up with a Dark Fairy tale(the villains) line for Eid to nYid men and women. The wicked outfit for their SID lady and EID Dreary Hunter is pretty tempting. Yeah I kinda have an idea how the semi-medival RPG outfits for Jack(hunter/ranger) and Helen(witch) should look like.

Not entirely sure why but I think its the mouth but King Luo brings Brad Pitt to mind.

*equips cardboard box and hides

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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby happyknot » Tue Sep 29, 2015 10:38 am

I kind of really want to buy more monster high dolls. >_>;'' I never thought I would get in to them but eeeee!
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Vetinari » Sun Oct 25, 2015 3:38 pm

Incredibly long time without posting - got caught up in RL stuff for a while there...

Finally (it's probably been about a year since I got the kit) got around to sanding out the seam lines and buffing smooth the remains of the gates on my Bishonen House Vince kit this weekend, though I'm struggling to achieve the correct tension on his elastics, I think I need to finally bite the bullet and buy some of those surgical clamps (whatever their name is!) once I've got him strung properly I'll post photos, overall I adore the finished look, but damn certain areas of the casting could have had better QC! (The in house gate removal was especially poor - in certain areas I had to sand off far more resin than I was comfortable with to remove the gouges left from... Crude gate removal, not to mention the air bubbles that appeared in a few areas uncomfortably near his joints once the plastic spurs and numerous sharp extrusions were smoothed out.)

There's also a 70cm Mirodoll small-breasted body on the way (finally got the cash together for a doll related purchase), she should be Rex's (Akagi Ban) body all going to plan.

Edit: Still lacking his look (and his eyes) , and still strung incredibly loosely but here's my Vince:


Once painted and clothed he'll be a cartoony young!Havelock Vetinari from the late great Sir PTerry's Discworld, specifically the Night Watch novel.

(and egads I can't find the Bbcode on Flickr...)
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Trethowan » Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:33 pm

Vetinari wrote:Incredibly long time without posting - got caught up in RL stuff for a while there...

Finally (it's probably been about a year since I got the kit) got around to sanding out the seam lines and buffing smooth the remains of the gates on my Bishonen House Vince kit this weekend, though I'm struggling to achieve the correct tension on his elastics, I think I need to finally bite the bullet and buy some of those surgical clamps (whatever their name is!) once I've got him strung properly I'll post photos, overall I adore the finished look, but damn certain areas of the casting could have had better QC! (The in house gate removal was especially poor - in certain areas I had to sand off far more resin than I was comfortable with to remove the gouges left from... Crude gate removal, not to mention the air bubbles that appeared in a few areas uncomfortably near his joints once the plastic spurs and numerous sharp extrusions were smoothed out.)

There's also a 70cm Mirodoll small-breasted body on the way (finally got the cash together for a doll related purchase), she should be Rex's (Akagi Ban) body all going to plan.

Edit: Still lacking his look (and his eyes) , and still strung incredibly loosely but here's my Vince:


Once painted and clothed he'll be a cartoony young!Havelock Vetinari from the late great Sir PTerry's Discworld, specifically the Night Watch novel.

(and egads I can't find the Bbcode on Flickr...)

I've been busy too! Glad to see you're back and posting.

Shame to hear about the gates issue on the Bishonen House Vince. I use needle-nose pliers for stringing but having some of those smaller surgerical clamps would be great. (I know what you're talking about but don't know the official name either). Did you take any pictures of the gates and sanding?

I can't wait to see your 70cm Miro girl. Will you post a review?
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby oniakki » Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:02 am

Vetinari wrote:{...} I think I need to finally bite the bullet and buy some of those surgical clamps (whatever their name is!)

a hemostat? ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemostat )
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Vetinari » Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:32 pm

Thanks Trethowan! :D It's nice to have the time/means again.

Hrmm I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the kits despite the gates thing, being honest I suspect you'd be able to get away with just assembling one of these guys straight out of the box if you don't mind the slightly rough around the edges finish.

Unfortunately I didn't think to take any photos pre-sanding, but there's one gate left that I simply forgot to remove on the back of his head - with a nicely visible gouge that goes at least a mm into his head (though it was far from the worst example) and I'll try to show up the problem areas in the cast with some photos. (Sorry you know how terrible I am at remembering to take photos!)

Being fair for the most part the gates were cleverly positioned in areas that usually aren't too visible when the doll is assembled - either within or near the joints, and the casting itself was nicely done. The resin has a lovely tooth to it and even pre-sanding the finish for the most part was excellent. And this is all from a "straight from the mould" product with no finishing - however I really really wish he hadn't bothered to remove the gates!

Unfortunately the gates in my particular kit with the deepest gouges were positioned in a relatively visible area, and in an area that I'm really unhappy with the thinness of the resin - his ankles. In fact one of his ankles was one of the two areas where air bubbles appeared in once the jagged spurs from the casting were removed, I have to say the bubbles are really not Donn's fault since he wasn't to know they were there - I'm going to strengthen the inside of both of them with epoxy before reassembling him at full tension, since the bubbly ankle looks suspiciously like it might spall at any moment. Hell I stopped sanding before the gouge was actually removed there, and the resin is worryingly only a couple of mm thin! I realise that this is my own damned fault for sanding so much out - but I didn't expect the gouge to go nearly all the way through the plastic.

I'll post my opinions on the Mirodoll 70cm body once it arrives if you'd like - I really hope it's a good fit for that particular floating head.

(Ooh thanks for the name oniakki - hemostat! Of course!)

Edit: Here's the photos of the one remaining gate and the dodgy ankle with the air bubbles and sadly aggressive sanding needed to remove the indented gate.


It's hard to see in the photo but the entire top half of the gate is concave in the head with a rather deeper gouge at the very top edge of the imperfection, so the entire back of his head would need to be sanded down to flatten it out!

Crazy Mulitverse Crew: Drax, Jareth, Jerome, Elrana Milenkova, The Thin White Duke, Vasily Lupandin, Ramin Aiphos, Theta Sigma, Aiko Koyame, Lord Havelock Vetinari, Dr Nicholas Rush, Anon., Nyta Kinall, Otto Kreiner, That Demon, Sasu, Yaya, Ombre
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Re: Dollieh temptations and plans

Postby Trethowan » Fri Oct 30, 2015 12:50 am

@ Vetinari I'm looking forward to your opinions about the 70cm female.

I've always considered the ankles to be the weakest link on a doll. If they're flimsy the doll can't stand. Good luck getting them cleaned up and fixed the way you want them. :-)
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